13 | call me maybe

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Half an hour had passed and the only people who seemed to be genuinely enjoying Adventureland were Peter, Marlene, Remus and Lily. Sirius kept making puns and inappropriate jokes every now and then, causing them all to break into a fit of laughter, which was something that the people sitting on the row in front of theirs did not enjoy.

An old man with thick-rimmed glasses kept turning around and glaring at them, raising his finger to his lips and loudly hissing a 'shhh'. One woman even got fed up enough and left out of a back door. Remus kept telling Sirius to shut up as Marlene rolled her eyes at the both of them, whereas Peter's gaze remained trained on the screen the entire time, gleaming with excitement now that he didn't have to sit through a horror film.

Irene for the most part just stuffed her mouth with popcorn, but when she wasn't, she was being as annoying as Sirius, even though (fortunately for Lily) not as loud. She kept complaining about how she'd much rather be doing something else. Also, she did not seem to appreciate that Kristen Stewart was the main actress of the movie because Irene found her acting skills poor.

Lily - despite being disappointed because she had been so excited to see Carrie - had to admit that it wasn't a bad movie. Unlike the employee had said, the movie couldn't be categorized as a comedy for it had a lot of drama and emotional scenes in it, and there was also romance, which Lily was enjoying because it was well-developed. She couldn't understand Irene's hatred toward Kristen Stewart, but in Lily's opinion, she had done an amazing acting job in this film.

Being too focused on the story being shown on the screen, she didn't notice that James had scooted closer to her on the seat. His right arm was resting on the back of their seat behind Lily. Subconsciously, she turned her head, her breath halting as she saw how close his face was to hers.

As if to make the situation even more uncomfortable for the girl, a kissing scene between the two main characters was now playing on the screen. It didn't help that the guy character's name was James too.

Lily once again looked at the bespectacled boy sitting inches apart from her, her heart whipped up in a wild frenzy. James looked at her too, and for what felt like centuries they just stared at each other, her emerald eyes gazing deeply into his hazel ones. James' arm slowly descended from the back of the seat to her shoulders, making Lily freeze in place. She dropped her gaze, swallowing deeply and breathing even more deeply. Was it just her or was there a lack of oxygen in the air?

"J-James..." she whispered. His face was so close to hers she could smell the minty scent of his breath mixed with the cologne emitted from his clothes.

A soft, romantic song was playing in the movie, and Lily didn't have to turn her head to know the scene was still not over. James' face was inching closer to hers, his right arm wrapping more tightly around her shoulders. Lily's heart was now on her throat as her lips parted slightly, her eyelids fluttering shut slowly.

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