3 | the invitation

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". . . And this is the indoor pool, currently out of order," Remus said, gesturing to the large door where a bright red CLOSED sign was attached.

"How come?" asked Lily.

"There was an incident a few days ago. I don't know much about it - I mean, I'm a luggage assistant, so it's really none of my business. I'll have to ask James."

Lily nodded. It wasn't her business either, but the thought of the indoor pool being closed made her disappointed.

She liked going to indoor swimming pools. Barely anyone went there, as the majority of people preferred being out in the open air, enjoying the sunlight. But Lily - despite her outgoing nature - was a bigger fan of quieter areas when she was on holidays.

"All good?" Remus' voice interrupted her thoughts.

Lily nodded. "Thank you so much for the tour."

"It was really no problem," he said. "So, what did you think? Liking Hogwarts so far?"

"I'm still in awe that I'm even here, to be honest."

She chuckled softly as the two of them turned around, heading back for the lobby. As they walked, Lily silently admired the expensive-looking paintings that lined the surfaces of the beige walls on both sides of the corridors. As if all the facilities and areas Remus had shown her during the tour hadn't left her flabbergasted enough. She couldn't help but feel fortunate to be spending two weeks of vacation in such a luxurious resort.

"So, how did you hear about this place?" Remus asked.

She tore her gaze away from the paintings and turned to him.

"Oh, there were advertisements everywhere. I think the guy who owns it is either British or used to live in London at some point. My parents heard about it, so they booked me a surprise vacation as a congratulations present for finishing my second to last year of uni."

"Well, congratulations indeed. That's quite an achievement." He gave her a sincere smile. "Mind if I ask what you're studying?"

"Psychology. Bloody exhausting major, but I do enjoy it. I'm hoping to become a therapist one day."

"Because they make a lot of money or because you like the profession itself?" Remus asked, his voice laced with mild humor.

"Well, first of all they don't even make that much money . . . unless they become internet famous or have a lot of work experience, which requires some qualifications," the girl explained. "And secondly I do actually like the profession. I'd love to be able to help people cope with their problems. I've also been told I'm good at giving advice."

"Anyway," Lily continued. "That's how I heard about Hogwarts. When I told my friend Irene about it, she said she wouldn't let me come by myself, and that she didn't want to miss out on what could be the 'vacation of a lifetime,' so she bought a ticket herself."

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