16 | abendrot

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Lily admired the ocean. That might have seemed hypocritical for someone who had a phobia of it, but that did not stop her from being fascinated by it. Watching documentaries about the wonders of the underwater world was a guilty pleasure, and Lily often marveled at how those seemingly infinite waters could go from unruffled and tranquil to furious and calamitous without any warning, switching back and forth just like human emotions.

She closed her eyes and relished in the evening breeze that carried the crisp scent of the sea, her elbows resting on the railing of the balcony as the sound of seagulls filled her ears. The sun was beginning to set.

Lily glanced back through the ajar door of the balcony into her hotel room. The wall clock above her bed read 6:50. Around this exact time, she and Irene usually headed back to their room, but since Lily promised James she'd meet him at 7 o'clock at the beach, they'd headed back earlier that evening so she could have a shower and get dressed. Lily walked back inside, approaching the mirror to check her reflection.

Her hair was braided to the side, a turquoise flower crown adorning it that matched the sleeveless romper she wore. Flashbacks of the night that she and James went out for dinner at Lotus flickered in Lily's mind. She remembered standing in front of that same mirror, stomach churning with giddiness prior to heading out, but she had dismissed the feelings.

This time though, she didn't. She knew that whatever made her heart flutter and stomach stir whenever she thought of - or was in the presence of - James Potter was definitely not a feeling she wanted to ignore. Not anymore.

Lily knocked on the bathroom door, hoping Irene would hear her despite the running water and the fact that she was singing It's My Life at the top of her lungs.

"Ira? Ira! I'm leaving now, okay?"

The sound of running water stopped.


Lily rolled her eyes. "I said I'm leaving. I'm gonna meet James, remember?"

"Oh, yeah yeah. All right then, go and have fun, kiddo. And don't wait for me at dinner. I have a date with Sirius."

Lily's jaw dropped. "Shut up!" A grin quickly formed on her lips. "Girl, why didn't you tell me? Congrats."

"Please. It's not like you didn't see it coming. He straight up asked me out without beating around the bush and I said yes. And to think that I only met him two days ago. Take notes, bitch."

Lily laughed.

"Well, I'm happy for you guys. I'm leaving now. Have fun tonight, I want all the details later."

"Yeah, yeah, you know it. You have some fun too, Lils."

And with that, Irene went back to her singing, which made Lily laugh once more. She grabbed her purse and left the hotel room.

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