20 | dream a little dream of me

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The idea of leaving felt weird to Lily. On one hand, it seemed to her like a week had passed by in the blink of an eye, but when she thought about just how much had happened within a week made her feel as if she'd been at Hogwarts forever.

Though she had expected something great out of this two week-long vacation, she could never have guessed she'd make new friends and fall in love with a lifeguard. Lily smiled to herself. She had made so many more memories within just two weeks here, than she had the past year altogether.

She folded the clothes she knew she wouldn't need for the remaining two days and put them in her suitcase. Just as she was about to pack her heels, the door of the hotel room flew open. Irene walked in. Her hair was matted and full of sand, and her tank top was half wet.

"Packing already?" she asked, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

Lily smiled and straightened her back. "Well, unlike you, I don't like to leave everything to the last minute, Ira."

"Last minute?" Irene scoffed. "More like last second. Plus, you never know when you may need a spare shirt."

With a swift move, she reached into Lily's open suitcase and snatched a neatly folded white shirt. She tossed it over her shoulder and walked to the bathroom.

"Hey!" Lily protested.

"Sorry Lils, beach volleyball wasn't the best idea. That was my last clean shirt. Don't worry, though, I'll wash and return this to you when we're back in London."

"That's what you said for the last five shirts I let you borrow. Besides, when do you ever have rational ideas?"

Irene rolled her eyes. "It was Sirius' idea, actually. Also, sharing is caring." She was about to push the bathroom door closed, when she remembered something. "Pass me the towel."

Lily looked behind her at the armchair Irene was pointing at, where a towel lay discarded.

"Really, Ira? When did you last use this?"

She picked up the towel and tossed it over at her friend. Irene reached her arm out of the ajar door and caught it with a triumphant smile.

"Just this morning," she said with a shrug. "I put a 'do not disturb' sign up before leaving so the housekeeper wouldn't come and change it. Figured there was no need, since she did that just yesterday."

"So that explains why our room looked like someone just broke in."

"Uhh, thanks for cleaning up?" Irene offered, batting her lashes innocently.

Lily shook her head. "Please just go shower already."

"Yes, mother Lily."

She closed the bathroom door. Within minutes came the sound of running water and Irene's cursing as she turned the shower handle the wrong way and cold water hit her body.

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