34 | coffee flavoured

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Lily's eyes sprang open from a long afternoon nap, for the second day in a row since she got back from Florida. Naps had never been her thing, but apparently those two weeks of vacation by the beach had exhausted her enough to need some extra hours of sleep, besides the ones she got at night. As soon as her drowsiness wore off, her mind travelled to the same person who had been occupying her thoughts as of the past forty eight hours: James Potter.

She reached for her phone on her bedside table. The time read six p.m. There were two notifications on her lock screen: the daily Snapchat Streak from Alice, and a text from Irene asking if she'd like to drop by the coffee shop, but nothing from James. Again. No calls, no messages. It had been two days.

Lily pursed her lips. This whole situation had made her go from distraught to confused to hopeless, back to distraught, her emotions swinging like a pendulum. Yet now she felt nothing but angry and tired. Did he think it was funny, toying with her feelings like this? Was this some sort of sick joke? Or was James holding a grudge she didn't know about, but was too petty to let her know what she'd done wrong? Lily hoped it wasn't the latter. She thought-wanted to think-he was better than that.

With a defeated sigh, she swung her legs over the side of her bed and turned on the lights, even though the sun had yet to set. Her suitcase still lay open beside the dresser from where she'd half-deliriously dug out her pajamas and toothbrush the first night. She should've finished unpacking and done the laundry the previous day, but had decided to take herself shopping instead. As much as she loved Irene, she needed some time by herself, and she knew Irene had missed her dad and her dog Winter, so she probably wanted to spend her day with them as well. On the other hand, part of the reason Lily went shopping was to avoid spending time with her parents. It made her feel awful to even admit as much because she had missed them tremendously, but she also knew they were dying to hear all about her fantastic stay at Hogwarts. But she didn't have the heart to lie to them.

Sure, she was excited to tell her mum all about her vacation, but how could she now, when all her memories involved James? Hell, she couldn't even tell her about the wonderful cuisine with an international theme that changed daily, without her mind drifting to the film they all watched on horror night at the cinema, when her and James almost kissed for the first time because an awkwardly long kissing scene was playing and the male protagonist's name was James too and they were sitting together on the couple's seat-

"I need a bloody shower," Lily muttered. She grabbed a towel from the first drawer of her dresser and headed for the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later, she had showered and was fully dressed in a pair of denim shorts and the white and red T-shirt with the Jones' Coffee logo that served as her uniform. She knew that when Irene asked her to drop by the coffee shop, she meant so they could hang out-Mr Jones didn't expect Lily back to work until Monday, but Lily knew if she didn't busy herself with actual work, she'd turn to her uni textbooks, even though she completed all her summer assignments before even leaving for Hogwarts.

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