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Not surprisingly, a quiet time with the Marauders could only last so long before one of them decided it was time for some fun. Case in point, as the quartet of troublemaking friends along with Marlene McKinnon, Lily Evans and Irene Jones were entering the cinema, Sirius thought it would be hilarious to grab Peter by the hood of his onesie with his pirate hook.

Peter, who was too worried about not dropping all the food he was struggling to hold in his arms, ended up tripping over his own feet and spilling his Coca Cola all over a lady who was sitting on the second row.

Apparently, the woman saw this as the perfect opportunity to express her impressive cursing skills and Remus had to intervene in order to calm the waters because Sirius took it upon himself to start throwing threats about calling the manager - Peter's dad. Meanwhile, James took the food from Peter's hands and offered to carry it for him while repeatedly telling Peter that it was not his fault.

Their seats were on the seventh row, the one before the last. Sirius was the first to run for the seat on the very corner, which earned him an eye roll from Remus, who proceeded to take a seat next to him with Marlene on his left. Peter sat down next, and the situation became awkward right after that as there was only one single seat left. The other one was a couple seat.

Irene exchanged a look with Lily, who shook her head alarmed, as if to tell her not to do what she thought her best friend was about to. James, trying to prevent the awkwardness of the situation, walked towards the empty seat next to his friend, but Irene beat him to it. She plopped down on the seat next to Peter, leaving Lily and James no choice but to sit together on the couple seat.

A blush of embarrassment spread across Lily's pale cheeks, and she found herself grateful for the lack of lighting inside the movie theatre. She hesitantly sat down, trying to shrink to the farthest corner of the seat.

A soft laughed bubbled past James' lips at Lily's discomfort. This earned him a frown from her.

"I bet you're enjoying this, aren't you?" she said.

James shrugged. "Would be lying if I said I wasn't, to be honest with you, Evans."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. As soon as the movie starts, I don't want to hear a sound, understood? I haven't seen a horror movie in ages, so I want to enjoy this."

"Hey, what makes you think I'm one of those people who can't shut up during movies?" James snapped in defense. "I like enjoying movies in silence too."

"Do you now?" Lily turned to him, raising an eyebrow in a challengingly teasing way.

"I mean, I can't promise anything about random exclamations or screams-"

Lily groaned, throwing her head back in her seat.

"-but I promise I won't try to take your attention away with small talk. Hey, it is a horror movie after all!"

"So you're a scaredy-cat then?"

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