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As it turned out, James' idea of "a different kind of fun," had not, in fact been a sex joke, despite the suggestively impish way he had said it that led Sirius, understandably, to take it that way. After having dinner at a Chinese restaurant out in the city, he and Lily, along with Sirius and Irene, decided to head to a summer carnival.

Well, it wasn't as much a decision-at least, not for the girls. In fact, they didn't know about the carnival until they got there. James and Sirius had already made plans, and when the taxi dropped the four of them off back at the resort, Lily thought the night had come to an end, unaware of what awaited her.

"Lily, will you wait here a minute?" James asked, gently reaching for her elbow. His hazel eyes glimmered under the lampposts that lined the front gate of Hogwarts. "We'll be right back."

Irene turned to Sirius with a confused look. A smirk crept onto his tanned face.

"We've got a surprise, babe." He leaned forward to give her a quick peck on the lips, before disappearing with James inside the resort, leaving both Irene and Lily with their brows furrowed in confusion.

"What are they up to now?" Irene questioned. "Don't know what I should prepare myself for. Good surprise? Bad surprise?"

"Why would they look so cheerful if it was bad?"

"Sirius looked cheerful when he made me try his crispy chicken cause he said I'd love it, and then it burned my freaking mouth!"

Lily snorted, recalling the moment earlier that evening at the restaurant, when Irene's face turned redder than the tomato soup she had ordered as she tried a bite of Sirius' dish. But of course, she hadn't left it at that either. She screamed so loud everyone else in the restaurant turned heads and the waiter came rushing from the kitchen in fear, only to realize what Irene had actually screamed about. At that point, Lily was willing to bet the only reason he hadn't burst out laughing like the rest of them was out of courtesy.

"Stop laughing, hoe."

Lily wiped the tears that formed at the corners of her eyes and tried to collect herself. "Not my fault that your spice tolerance is so low, Ira."

"What are you girls laughing at?" came Sirius' voice. "Did I miss some spectacular joke?"

"Lily thought it was hilarious that I almost died from that spicy chicken back at the restaurant." Irene crossed her arms over her chest.

Sirius chuckled softly. "I love you, babe, but that chicken was not even that spicy."

"Whatever, you traitor."

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