33 | sunsets & full moons

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James paced back and forth in his lodge, running his hands through his messy hair every two seconds. His palms were sweaty and his stomach churned with anxiety. He couldn't sit still. It had been a miracle he even managed to get some rest after Rick's phone call at two in the morning. If it weren't for how exhausted he was from supervising the pool party, James knew the call would've kept him up all night, sick with worry.

Jessica is in trouble. Jessica is in trouble. Jessica is in trouble. Jess is . . .

"Why don't you calm down and take a seat, mate?" said Peter. "Just looking at you's making me dizzy."

He sat at the dining table, his laptop propped open in front of him. Peter was the first person James told about Rick's call as soon as he woke up that morning. Sirius and Remus weren't done with their shifts until noon, and James' night shift had granted him a day off, so he ran to tell Peter everything as soon as he found him. Now he sat at the table in James' lodge, googling flights from Orlando to London.

"Sorry, little one."

James sighed and threw himself on the chair next to him. Peter tilted his laptop so James could see the search results.

"So I found this flight tonight at seven," Peter said. "It has two stops, one in Atlanta and one in Amsterdam."

"Are there any nonstop flights?" asked James urgently. "I've got no idea what sort of trouble Jess could-I mean, Jessica could be into, and I-I really want to get there as soon as I can."

Peter bit down on his bottom lip and kept scrolling. After a couple of minutes, his face lit up like a happy child.

"Aha! Found it! Look at this, it's at 7:55 p.m. and the arrival time is tomorrow at 9:10 a.m. So about eight hours. And the airline is British Airways. Not bad."

James scooted his chair closer to look at the screen. "Which airport?"


"Brilliant!" He beamed. "Okay, book that one. Let me go get my credit card."

He stood up but Peter grabbed his forearm.

"I've got this, Prongs," he said.

James frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Look, this is an emergency that just came up. The ticket isn't even for a round trip. Don't worry about payment, okay? I've got it."

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