Part Two: The Game of Thrones

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'Dear Robb,

As always I hope this letter finds you well and you aren't too terribly bored without me. Apologies for not replying as quick as usual, Willas and I have been away at the sea for our Honeymoon and have only just returned to High Garden. It was such a nice break after so long of being constantly surrounded by others, I don't think I've ever been so warm in my whole life, and though I loved the sea it is nice to be back in my new home.

Since coming back I've been settling into Reach life a bit easier. I still feel a bit of an outsider at times but since the wedding it's been nicer. Willas has been a great help making me feel comfortable and so have my new siblings. Garlan is as gallant as his nickname makes him out to be, he's very kind and makes me feel welcome at meal times, and his wife Leonette has become a real, true friend to me. I don't see my other goodbrother as much, but Loras is just as kind and often invites me to watch him train for tourney's, and though he's yet to admit it I am definitely superior to him when it comes to archery. Margaery has been just as good to me, teaching me all about the Reach. She volunteers at the local orphanages a few days a week and I've started going with her. It feels nice to give back and help those who aren't as lucky as ourselves.

How's everyone at home? Have our sisters killed each other yet? Remember our bet we made when we were thirteen, that Sansa would end up stabbing Arya in annoyance with one of her sewing needles? I do hope it doesn't come true whilst I am so far away, I'd hate to miss out on something so entertaining. Though Sansa losing her composure sounds a little like Bran falling while climbing, those things simply don't happen.

Have you heard from Uncle Benjen lately? I sent him a raven telling him about the wedding and he sent one back congratulating us and asking if the Night's Watch could have pick of the Reach's prisons. I'm yet to ask Lord Tyrell, though I can't imagine him saying no, if he did I don't think Willas would let him hear the end of it. Ever since Will read the History of The Watch on our Honeymoon he's been oddly invested in the runnings of the Wall. I thank the Gods everyday that I ended up marrying a southerner who has an interest in our heritage.

I've written father, mother, and Jon a letter too, so I should imagine they all arrive at the same time. If not, please give them all my best regards. The same to Sansa, Arya, Bran, Rickon and Theon. Please also pass my greetings on to Jory, Cayn, Poole, Lewin, Old Nan, Hodor, the rest of the guard and anyone else in Winterfell. I miss you all so dearly and can't wait to see you all soon. I promise to try and visit before our nameday.

With love, your sister, Eddmina Stark.'


'Dear Edd,

Unfortunately you're right, I am terribly bored without you. As glad as I am to hear you are safe and happy with the Tyrells I miss your company. I miss watching you roll your eyes at dinner when Sansa says something silly, or the way you always laugh at my terrible jokes. You were the only one who found them funny, now I'm afraid no one laughs at me.

Surprisingly things have been quite normal, though obviously not completely normal since you're not here. Jon is the same, just as brooding as ever, though his hair has grown a few inches. I think if mother didn't hate him too much to properly look at him she'd have sent him to get it all sheared off a good few weeks ago. Theon is the same too, though he's sneaking out a lot more at nights. Apparently he's found his favourite girl and wants to see her every night. Sansa and Arya are bickering as usual, I think we've all just decided to ignore them and let them get on with things. Mother caught Bran climbing the walls of the broken tower a few days ago and tried to ban him from leaving the castle. I caught him climbing out of his chamber window, though I promised him I wouldn't tell mother or father. I feel like that promise may come back to bite me. Rickon asks me everyday when you'll be coming home. I think he still thinks you're being fostered in the south and it's just some temporary thing. I think we all secretly wish that was the case.

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