Chapter Nineteen: The Night Before

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"Everything is so beautiful here," Sansa exclaimed, making Arya huff boredly whilst Eddmina and Robb stifled a laugh; it was at least the tenth time that Sansa had made that proclamation.

Even if Sansa seemed determined to remind them of it, Eddmina did have to admit her sister had a point about the beauty of High Garden's Great Hall. She hadn't been there yet, the hall saved for special ocassions, and they had definitely decorated it to the extreme. There were roses everywhere, just in case anyone forgot what the sidgil for house Tyrell was, with decadent tapestries depicting glorious hunts and battles decorating the stone walls where ivy and vines weren't growing. Hanging on the back wall was the flag of house Tyrell, the golden rose on an emerald field, and right next to it the grey Stark wolf, the snarling, fierce animal seeming a harsh contrast to the beauty of the flower. No one in the hall was openly acknowledging that contrast though, as the band of bards at the back of the hall played merrily, and the food was served out, each dish being so grand it left Eddmina wondering just how much had been spent on it all, to the point she was surprised that Lady Olenna had never complained to her about the bill at one of their lunches.

The hall had been organised so that all of the other guests were sat on tables scattered around the hall, most of them being from other southern houses allied with the Tyrells, the ocassional table being taken up by the Stark's guards who'd come down south with the family, and it was amusing to see the northerners try and interact with the southerners, who were clearly more used to the pomp and grandeur of High Garden than they were.

Seated at the top table was Lady Olenna, Lord and Lady Tyrell, and Eddmina's parents, the rest of the Tyrell's at their own table a little further down and directly across from the Starks. The Stark table had all been seated by the time Eddmina had arrived with Robb and Jon, so the three of them sat at the back of the table next to where Arya was already sat and across from Sansa, Theon, Bran and Rickon. Even with them sat in front of her, Eddmina found herself thankful that her seat provided her with the perfect view of Willas. He looked as handsome as ever, dressed in gold with his curly hair seeming much neater than it had done the night before, sat next to Garlan and Leonette whilst Margaery and Loras were across from them. They all seemed much more comfortable in the atmosphere of the hall than Eddmina's own siblings, the lot of them laughing and joking amongst each other, whilst the Starks seemed a little more serious. They were still managing to find the fun in the evening, but it was obvious to them that they were so far from home. For Eddmina, the presence of her siblings was comforting, feeling as though she didn't have to be an outsider alone anymore.

Every so often though, Willas would look across to her and wink. She'd not seen him at all that day, not since she'd left his room the night before, and she wished she had the opportunity to talk to him properly rather than being separated. His acknowledgement of her felt like a rebellion against the traditions they had been following so closely, and she loved it, having to look away in amusement each time she caught his eye.

"You're smirking again," Arya pointed out as she poked at the food in front of her, making Eddmina bite her lip to hold back a laugh. "Do they roast everything with honey here?"

"Don't be dramatic," Sansa snapped at her, finding it so disrespectful that Arya was so open to criticize the very life she dreamed of.

"You are smirking though," Robb whispered to her, taking a sip of his wine and grimacing at the taste. "Gods, this is weak,"

"I know, it's terribly hard to get drunk here," she joked with a laugh, sipping her own as she looked across to the Tyrell table again, though all her siblings noticed exactly where she was looking that time and exactly what mad her smirk.

"Never took you for the flirting type, Edd, save something for tomorrow at least," Jon said lightly as he looked round Theon to see the Tyrell table, making the boys and Arya laugh whilst Sansa scowled.

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