Chapter Seven: Enough

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It took a while for Willas to get settled in his chambers in Winterfell. He'd rarely left High Garden in the last few years, his bad leg had made sure of that, and Winterfell was a very harsh contrast to what he was used to. Of course that was a good thing, and he was actually savouring his time alone, sat by the window reading an old history book, except he was disturbed from his peace far sooner than he wanted.

"So, big brother, what did you think?" Margaery Tyrell practically demanded as she burst into Willas' chambers, startling him.

"Gods, Marg!" he exclaimed, more out of annoyance than anger, because of course his little sister would be the first one to ask him of his first impressions. "Learn how to knock, will you, I could have been naked!"

"But you weren't," Margaery pointed out casually with a slight shrug as she sat down onto his bed, leaving his door wide open. Her eyebrows were tilted up teasingly, her mouth turned up into a smirk. "Tell me then!"

"She's... nice enough," Willas hesitated over his words, not sure what really to say about the girl he had ony met once for a matter of minutes who was soon to be his betrothed.

If he was being honest, Willas had expected his sister to come bother him much sooner regarding his opinion on the 'Stark girl', as his siblings had started referring to her as. He'd expected Margaery to knock his door down the moment Eddmina had left him, considering how eager she'd been for the whole arrangement. He couldn't remember her being so excited about Garlan's marriage arrangements, but the entire journey up north had been filled by Margaery's speculation over what the 'Stark girl' would be like.

"Nice enough? That's all you have to say?" Another voice called from the doorway, and with an annoyed grunt Willas looked over to see Garlan, leaning against the doorframe as he too was smirking at him.

"Seven hells, just invite Loras in as well, why don't you!" Willas exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration. Margaery let out a song-like laugh, exchanging a look with their brother.

"Don't be bitter, Willas," Garlan told him, rolling his eyes slightly as Margaery smirked at him. "Can you not think of anything else to say about her, other than 'nice enough'?"

"Well sorry I'm not as elloquent as you were when you first saw Leonette," Willas muttered, trying not to sound bitter despite not liking the fact that his own marriage would not be on the same grounds as his brothers.

"You really are adament on bringing Leo up in every conversation, aren't you, Will?" Garlan rolled his eyes. "Not thinking that it's rubbing salt into the wound of her not being here?"

"I know you miss her but she'd hate it here," Margaery stated rather plainly, making Garlan shrug, knowing her words to be true. "I thought Winterfell was meant to be built upon hot springs,"

"Don't let the Starks hear you say that, they're rather proud of their heritage, Bran the Builder built this keep," Willas told her, rather firmly, not wanting his sister's dislike of the cold weather to offend their hosts, especially not Lady Eddmina, who he could tell was a proud northerner.

"Now tell me, dear brother, did you know that fact before or did you learn it specially to impress Lady Eddmina?" Garlan teased, making Margaery laugh once more. Willas shot him a slight glare. "Oh, come on, you know we're only joking. Besides, we better head off to this feast,"


Feasts in Winterfell usually weren't such a spectactle, Eddmina knew, but the fact that this feast was in honour of one of the wealthiest houses in Westeros visiting - as well as the beginning of betrothal negotiations - meant that this particular feast was different.

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