Chapter Thirty Six: Oblivion

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It was embarrassing enough fainting, but fainting in Theon's arms... Eddmina would have been mortified had she not been unconscious, though when she finally felt herself coming to she felt not only a throbbing pain all over her body but all the shame of the situation washing over her.

It took a few moments to realise where she was, but it was an instant relief when she recognised the bed she was lying in was the one she usually shared with Willas. It felt infinitely safer than the bed in her childhood room, even without his presence, though she wasn't alone in the room. No, if the first thing she felt when she woke was the dull ache of pain, the first thing she heard was Robb's voice, ringing in outrage.

"No, Mother, I won't calm down! You, Bran and Edd could have all been killed!" Robb seethed, his echoing footsteps suggesting that he was pacing round the room in frustration. "How did they even get in, how did no one see them until it was almost too late?"

"Robb, we don't know," their mother sighed, her voice sounding tired and strained, as if she had already said that a hundred times before. "The fire was clearly meant as a distraction to get all the guards into the courtyard and away from our chambers,"

Eddmina cringed, letting out a slight groan as she recalled the events before. She remembered the coldness of the blade as he held it against her throat, she remembered the twisting pain in her arm as he pinned it behind her back to make his attempt on her life, she remembered the hopelessness she felt when she realised she was going to die and how she had thought of nothing but Willas. She shivered, feeling sick as the memories rushed back to her, and by that point both Robb and her mother had realised she had woken. She felt someone squeeze one of her hands, and as she opened her eyes she saw Robb was knelt at her bedside holding her right hand while her mother was sat across the room by the desk. Other than the utterly fearful expression on Robb's face, the first thing Eddmina noticed were the thick bandages on her mother's hands.

"What happened to you?" she asked quickly, attempting to sit up but when she put her weight onto her left arm it shot with pins and needles. She hissed in pain, making Robb move to help her. "Gods, I'm alright. I can do it,"

"No, you can't," Robb told her quietly, helping her sit up, immediately placing a pillow behind her. He was acting as if she was made out of glass. "Maester Luwin is on his way, he said there was nothing he could do while you were sleeping, other than... clean the blood away,"

Eddmina briefly remembered her hands getting soaked in her would-be-killer's blood. With one glance she realised someone had obviously cleaned it all off, and she had also been changed into a nightgown. Sansa had made the dress she had been wearing before, but she hoped to never see it again. She hoped to never see that room either.

"Mother what happened to your hands?" Eddmina asked again, her tone a lot firmer that time.

"We were attacked, he was going to kill Bran... all I could do was grab his knife," she explained carefully, sounding just as overwhelmed with the memories as Eddmina felt with her own attack. "We'd be dead if not for his wolf,"

"He's alive?" Eddmina insisted, looking between her mother and twin until Robb nodded. "Where's Honour?"

"Outside," Robb reassured, and at that exact moment the door opened and Theon entered, making Robb stand, though he didn't let go of his sister's hand. "Well?"

"The entire castle has been searched, there's no other intruders," he told them all before his eyes fell onto Eddmina. "Still alive?"

"Apparently so," she shrugged, managing a weak smile. "Thank you for getting me out of there,"

Theon shrugged as if it was nothing, and for a brief moment Eddmina recalled him kissing her forehead. It was nothing, a gesture of kindness and friendship, but then she remembered what Jon had told her weeks ago and she felt her cheeks grow hot. Surely with everything else Theon was the least of her worries, and thankfully Honour came bounding into the room acting as the perfect distraction. Lady Stark looked annoyed when the wolf pounced straight onto the bed, cuddling up onto Eddmina's lap and licking her face, but Eddmina ignored her as she wrapped her arms around her, scratching behind her ears and kissing the side of her face.

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