Chapter Ten: Red

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Theon had her pushed up against the stone wall of her chambers, kissing her with all the passion he could muster, one of his hands squeezing the crook of her neck whist the other was pushed tightly against her stomach, making it cramp up severely. Kissing her like that was everything he'd been wanting to do for so long, ever since those damned Tyrells had come into the picture, and to finally do it felt so good... for him. For Eddmina, she struggled against his grip, but as if she was numb she couldn't move, stuck under the weight of him as he forced his kisses onto her.

It was as if she'd lost her voice too, unable to tell him to stop, even as he moved his hands to her waist, picking her up and throwing her down onto the bed. She couldn't even scream as he began to pull her dress away, ripping away her skirts in mad desire, but she must have done something wrong because that was when he pulled a dagger from the scabbard on his back, thrusting it into her stomach several times, pain ripping through her as she instantly felt blood beginning to spill. He seemed to laugh, enjoying the sight of the blood, before he moved his hands to her thighs.

Before Eddmina could stop herself a scream was coming through her lips as she woke up in a hot panic. The darkness of the room seemed to surround her as she struggled to catch her breath, the memory of her nightmare still playing through her mind. For a moment she thought she was still trapped, until she realised she was alone, though that did not bring her to her senses, considering she still felt the exact same as she did in the dream. Her entire body seemed to be in pain, her legs and back throbbing and her stomach twisting in agony. Maybe the dream was real, despite the lack of Theon, maybe she was dying. The thought of that made her scream more.

"Hey, hey, Edda!" she heard a voice telling her, feeling someone's hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down.

Normally so separated from big emotional displays, she was desperate to be comforted through her fear and pain, and so upon hearing the voice she frowned through the darkness to see Robb. Her twin brother, only minutes younger than her. He'd always been there for her, protected her from any dangers they'd faced as children, promised to always be there for her, but for once she was too suffocated by the memories of her nightmare and the fear that she was dying, and even the sight of her brother couldn't calm her down, continuing to cry. Even as he pulled her into a sitting position, shaking her shoulders reassuringly, she couldn't break out of the spiral, her hands clenching against the thick woolen sheets of the bed.

"Is she alright?" she heard another voice ask.

Jon. The quiet bastard brother she loved so dearly as if he was her twin too. The boy who put up with so much cruelty from her mother and never even complained, the brother she could relate so much to because she too had to deal with feeling like a unwanted disapointment to her mother. As she could just make out his silhouette in the corner of her room, standing hesitantly, she wanted to cry more, just for every bottled up emotion she had.

"Bring some light in here," Robb said to their brother urgently. "Edd, calm down, it was just a dream, you're safe, I'm here, we're here, you're alright, I promise,"

"Robb..." she breathed out shakily, trying to stop her tears but she couldn't, not when it felt like she'd been hurt, not when she felt such pain. "Someone's stabbed me,"

"Edda, it was just a dream," Robb reassured, keeping his gaze fixed on her even though Jon approached them from behind, holding out a lantern, lighting up the room. "No one's stabbed you, you're alright, I promise,"

With a small cry of pain, she moved to rest her head against his chest as his hands rubbed her back soothingly, all whilst Jon stood over and watched, his own gaze fixed staring at the bed, his eyes wide and his mouth open slightly in shock. Neither Eddmina or Robb noticed him, instead just holding each other, Eddmina's cries slowly dying as she began to snap out of the nightmare, realising how stupid it all was. Of course Theon would never hurt her like that. They had their problems now, and sure he would often try and take things further back when they used to fool around, but he'd never try and rape her, and he certainly wouldn't stab her. It was a dream.

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