Chapter Twenty Five: Home

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"I'm so sorry," Willas repeated as he rubbed Eddmina's back, holding her hair back as she threw up into a bucket for the third time that day. "If I knew you would be so seasick I would have suggested us ride rather than sail,"

"You weren't to know," she grimaced with a shrug, taking in a few deep breaths in the hope that her stomach would settle.

They'd been sailing for a week, and according to the ship's captain they were only a day or two away from White Harbour. From there they were going to ride to Winterfell, and considering she was less than a week away from home, Eddmina felt surprisingly nervous. Her nerves weren't helped by the fact that sailing had made her incredibly sick to the point that she hadn't even left their cabin, but the thought of returning home felt surreal, and she didn't really know what to expect.

It had been almost half a year since she was last in the North, and while it would always be her home, she had started finding belonging in the Reach too. In fact, in High Garden, Eddmina couldn't really remember ever being happier. She knew Robb had been subtly asking her to visit for a while, but they hadn't waited to see if they would be welcome to visit Winterfell after her last letter, so Eddmina didn't know how they would be received. She had also been worried by Robb's last letter, where he made out that she had changed just through claiming to be falling in love. What would he think, seeing her in person? Would he still think her changed, would the others agree with him?

"Here," Willas offered her a small flask of water and she sipped it, rinsing her mouth out and sighing. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed her temple. "Only another day or two, love,"

"I feel like an idiot with you fussing over me," she grumbled, making Willas struggle to hold back a small laugh. "I hate being ill,"

"I can't say I've ever met anyone who particularly enjoys being ill," he commented teasingly, making her roll her eyes. "Besides, I'm not fussing over you, I'm looking after you. How do you feel?"

"A little better now," she forced a smile despite still feeling a little weak. "Where's Garlan and Leonette? Do you not want to be with them?"

"I believe they're on deck watching the sunset like a pair of old romantics," he told her with a small laugh, and though he sounded teasing Eddmina knew he was slightly jealous. "Would you like me to get you something to eat?"

Eddmina shook her head, and as she felt a little more normal, she got up and moved the bucket across the room before going back to their makeshift bed. The ship wasn't the most luxurious, considering they paid for their passage last minute, but no reasonable expense was spared for the Tyrells, so for the past week the couple had been sleeping on a bed made up of a straw mattress with feathered pillows, the two surfaces a strange contrast. It wasn't the most comfortable, and the harder mattress was making Willas' leg ache, though he never complained.

She sat back down on the edge of the bed next to Willas, smiling softly as he leant over and kissed her forehead. She liked it when he did that, when he was gentle and sweet with his kisses, the gesture still making her insides fuzz a little. She shut her eyes, feeling him run his hands through her hair, but that feeling made her feel tired, so she laid down gesturing for him to join her. He obliged, laying with his front to her back, wrapping his arms around her from behind, pushing feather-like kisses on her exposed skin.

Ever since their honeymoon they had become a lot more physical with each other, the two of them often mad with desire, yet nothing made either of them happier than the quiet moments where they just held each other. It felt much more intimate, more romantic and caring. It felt more like they were a married couple rather than lovers.

"Willas?" she spoke after a moment, her voice practically a whisper as if he was scared to break the silence. "Will, do you think my family will approve?"

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