Chapter Thirty Two: News

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As soon as their father had brought them the good news, adrenaline seemed to drain from them all, exhaustion falling onto the room. Lord Stark had suggested them all go off to their own rooms, and though the Stark children were reluctant to part from each other, Eddmina was grateful to be alone with Willas at long last. Or, she was glad until she remembered she had something rather important to tell him, and then she became worried once more.

"Come to bed, my love," he called, watching her carefully as she sat in front of the mirror of her dressing table, staring at her reflection blankly as she combed her hair free of its braid.

She sighed, but obliged, practically falling into bed as Willas engulfed her into a close embrace, burying her face into his chest as he knotted his fingers into her hair, stroking through her curls in a way that made her sigh in relaxation. It was the calmest she'd felt all day, and with all the energy drained from her, she felt herself quickly dissolve into tears. Willas did nothing to stop her from crying, he simply let her get it all out, kissing the top of her head and whispering sweet things to her, knowing the outburst was only natural, releasing everything she had penned in all day.

"My beautiful Mina," he whispered softly as she sniffled, and he ran his thumb under her eyes to wipe away some of her tears. "You've been so strong,"

"You want to call me strong, after what you told us all earlier?" she practically sobbed, all of her emotions coming out. "Will, you're so brave! I never realised, I'm sorry I never asked but..."

"I'm sorry if it upset you," he told her quietly, sounding regretful. "I thought it better to just tell it all, get rid of all the curiosities, but I realise saying it all might have been overwhelming and I'm sorry for that,"

"You could have died," she gasped for breath, ignoring the way he grimaced. "I don't even want to think about that,"

"I didn't die though, I'm right here, love," he reassured, squeezing his arms around her. "I'm right here, and I'll be with you for as long as you want me. Now, come on, we should get some sleep, you must be so tired. We can go and see your brother in the morning. Goodnight, my Mi-"

"Willas, I'm with child," she blurted out before he could finish, getting the words out bluntly in the hopes that she wouldn't coward out of saying them.

Willas was silent for a moment, and she worried that he hadn't heard her. Of course he had heard her though, she'd certainly said it loud enough. After a few seconds, he sat up, and she shifted away from him slightly, wishing she hadn't blown out the candles so she could see his face. She could see him running his hands through his hair, a habit he had when he was thinking or nervous, and so she held her breath, ready for him to be annoyed at her. She wondered if her own bedroom was free, since she was starting to think her best option was to just leave Willas to consider the news alone. Maybe her best bet would be to just leave, his silence was suggesting his annoyance.

Eddmina pulled the covers away, ready to get out of bed and head upstairs. Except before she had the chance, she felt Willas lean over, taking hold of her wrist. She turned her head, looking at him through the dark, managing to see his face was a mixture of confused and scared.

"Where are you going?" he asked, frowning, and she tried to ignore the slight shake in his voice.

"To my old room," she shrugged. "I thought you'd want me to go,"

"I'd never want that," he shook his head, reaching out and placing his hand on her shoulder, gesturing for her to come back to him. "How... When... What?"

"Well I'd like to think you know the 'how' part, as for the 'when', Maester Luwin reckons I'm four or five months along, so it probably happened in Dorne," she explained quietly, staring at the furs on their bed so she didn't have to look at him. "I realise this isn't what you want, you said you weren't ready for children, but this isn't something we can get out of. I understand if you're angry, or annoyed, but I've accepted it, so all I can ask is that if you ever meant it when you said that you love me, you try to come to terms with it too,"

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