Chapter Eighteen: The Reunion of The Starks

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All morning visitors had been arriving in High Garden, ready for the wedding festivities, so the Tyrells were all busy showing their guests around the grand castle, meaning that for once Eddmina was completely alone for the first time since her arrival nearly three weeks ago. She'd offered to help, but apparently as the bride-to-be it wasn't in-keeping with tradition if she helped, so she'd instead hidden herself away in the library.

The few times she'd been to High Garden's library had left her thoroughly impressed. It was much larger than Winterfell's, much grander and better organised, though that didn't stop her getting lost. There were more nooks scattered about, perfect for hiding with the purpose to get lost in a good book, which was exactly what Eddmina wanted to do that morning. Her mind was racing, a mixture of excitement to see her family and worry for the next day taking over her completely, and usually when she felt as though her head was so busy back home she would either go for a ride or do some archery, maybe even play her lute before her mother had confiscated it. She couldn't go riding, not knowing the Reach well enough, she couldn't go shooting either, still trying to hold up the pretence of a good little lady who didn't know her way around weapons, and she certainly couldn't play a non-existent lute, so she decided she would go to her usual last resort; reading.

Books had often been her company before. When she'd want to be ignored, or want to skip her lessons with the septa, she would simply go and find the maester and ask him to suggest a history book to her. It was how she had ended up so knowledgeable, never turning down his suggestions and not giving up on them until they were finished, so she planned to try and recreate that. There were clearly a lot more books in the Tyrell library compared to back home, so she wandered through the different sections, desperately searching for something, hopefully something long that would last her until she had to face the world eventually.

What surprised her was the lack of books about the North. There were a multitude of books on each of the other kingdoms, a plethora on each house's history, excluding the north. No wonder she was seen as such an outsider, the library's lack of her history clearly making her seem so unlike anything the Reach knew of. Maybe she was so used to seeing so many books about the northern houses, the Night's Watch and stories from beyond the Wall, maybe she was just too used to those sorts of books being the centre focus of her home library, but regardless, she knew she would have to ask Willas about the shortage. She decided to pick up a book on the royal families of house Targaryen, noting it was written before Robert's rebellion which made her assume it would be rather patriotic towards the dragon kings and queens.

She wasn't sure how long she'd been reading, curled up in one of the nooks by the window, offering her a perfect view of the courtyard. Every so often she would look up from her page and see another carriage arriving and her heart would always skip a beat in the hopes that it would be her family, only for it to sink in sad desperation when it turned out to be yet another southerner. She knew her family would arrive soon, though her father and brothers would probably ride through the castle gates rather than in a carriage, so she wasn't sure why she was so disappointed every time a newcomer wasn't them. She tried to keep herself distracted with her book, but after what was probably a good few hours, there came the noise of someone clearing their throat in front of her, and she looked up to see Garlan.

"I'm surprised you have the energy for such a long read, my Lady, considering what I heard you got up to last night," he teased in place of a greeting, and Eddmina felt herself flush pink even though what he was insinuating was a joke. "I hear you spent all night in my brother's room,"

"I was sizing it up for when move in," she responded dryly, looking back down at her book before gesturing for him to join her, and as he sat down across from her she sat up a little straighter, closing the book and looking at him properly. "We were only talking,"

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