Chapter Fifty Eight: Breaking Point

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Talisa was beautiful, Eddmina couldn't deny that. With her dark silken hair and sun-kissed olive skin, it was no wonder her brother had fallen so deeply in love with her. That was just her appearance too, as when Eddmina took her personality into account, her caring yet humorous approach to people, her compassion and intellect, she found her a truly nice person, and there seemed to be very few of those in Westeros. Talisa was a good person who had just got caught up in something much bigger than herself. She was a good person, who if the situation and circumstances were different, would have been good for Robb. She was a good person, and that made everything Eddmina had to say to her so much harder.

Even so, she welcomed Talisa into her study, beckoning her to take a seat. Eddmina was sat behind her desk, and Talisa hesitantly sat down across from her, her hands folded neatly in her lap. She was dressed in an understated grey dress, practical for working, yet she still looked the picture of elegance. If things were different, Eddmina couldn't help but think that she would be a good Queen. She knew people, she was grounded and not blinded by a lifetime of being surrounded by nobility, and she knew the meaning of hard work. Never mind Queen, Eddmina knew she would be the exact sort of woman she would want as a goodsister. That made her feel a little sick, as if her body was insisting that she reconsider, but her mind was already set, knowing what she had to do no matter how unforgivable and harsh it felt.

Talisa clearly knew that whatever Eddmina had summoned her for was not good. Eddmina could tell based on how she couldn't meet her eye, and the Volanti woman was sat with her back far too straight, as if she was compensating with posture for any misdemeanour. She nodded her head respectfully, and Eddmina remembered all the times she had insisted the woman simply call her by her name rather than a title. She wished they could have been friends. She wished they lived in a different world, a kinder, happier world where she didn't have to feel like such a monster for ruining true love.

"Thank you for coming," Eddmina said, keeping herself steady and calm. "Can you think of any reason as to why I would summon you to meet with me?"

"No, your grace," Talisa answered, though she didn't meet Eddmina's eye. She wanted to be angry at the lack of curtesy, but it merely made her sad, the gesture pointing out the blatant lie of her words.

"My father taught me when I was a girl to always look people in the eye, even when I was scared or nervous, that way no one else had to know and would only see me as brave," Eddmina spoke, and Talisa looked up to her, her eyes guilty and threatening devastation. "My father also taught us that honour revolves around upholding our promises. There's never been a Stark who's broken their word. I do not intend to be the first, nor will I allow Robb to take that position."

"Lady Eddmina, I-" Talisa began, but silenced herself, clenching her jaw as if to force away her emotions. Eddmina respected her for that.

"You helped me when I was in my most dire position, you helped bring my son into this world, and you have been an incredible asset to this campaign, I will forever be grateful to you and because of all of that I have not taken this decision lightly," Eddmina said, hating how cold and cruel she felt, even if she was making her voice sound kind. "I understand you and my brother have been engaging in some sort of an affair. Robb may be King, but a crown does not make him immune to promises, and he is promised to marry another. Without that promise we would have already lost this war, and so as Hand I cannot allow this to continue."

"Does Robb know you're doing this?" Talisa asked, almost defensive, her eyes widening slightly. She took a moment, almost as if she was resetting herself, her face becoming neutral again. "He is King, he would never choose me over someone he is promised to."

"Robb is King, he's a good king too, but he's also my brother, I know him better than anyone and I know that isn't the case, Talisa," Eddmina offered her a sad smile, though she worked to keep the rest of her face still, otherwise she would risk showing how much pain she was really in to do such a horrible thing. "Robb loves you."

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