Introduction: Eddmina Stark

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Eddmina Stark was every bit as strong as her twin brother Robb, and every bit as wild as the wolves her family loved.

There was no denying her beauty though. Tully blue eyes and Stark brown hair, tall as her brothers and dainty in figure, she had the outward appearance of the perfect northern lady. She could sing better than most bards, her clear and enchanting voice moving most to tears. Whilst dancing wasn't always her fortay, Eddmina never let it stop her, being every sense of graceful when it mattered. 

Edda was especially graceful when it came to archery, learning how to shoot an arrow at the age of eight after sneaking out of her sewing lessons. Her brothers had taught her how to sword fight too, and soon she became the most feared lady in Winterfell, because as nice as her smile was, everyone knew she was skilled enough to take a real opponent on.

Growing up in Winterfell, Eddmina often found herself surrounded by the responsibilities of being the eldest daughter. She had to be perfect and proper in front of her sisters, and act like a lady in front of her brothers. Of course, the latter didn't often happen. Strong-willed and graceful, Eddmina Stark commanded respect without even having to ask for it, her beauty and strength meaning that everyone who met her seemed to fall in love with her. 

That meant that when it one day came to marriage, a part of her future she wasn't too keen on, no one doubted the fact that she would eventually thrive. All she could do was hope that one day, her husband would be someone who respected her as much as her family did, someone who would eventually grow to love her as if they chose to be married. 

Eddmina's hopes were answered when she was betrothed to Willas Tyrell. 


Word count: 319


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