Chapter Twenty Eight: Feast

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In the grand scheme of things, the feast wasn't so awful. Eddmina hated feasts, but the food was nice enough, there was music playing, and the company was rather nice. Sat between Willas and Robb, with Garlan and Leonette across from them, Eddmina decided she had definitely chosen her seat correctly, since just down the bench she could see Sansa chatting animatedly to her friends while occasionally sparing a longing glance to the prince, who was sat with the rest of the Lannister crowd across the hall. Arya, who'd been made to sit next to Sansa by their Septa, looked terribly bored.

Eddmina was certain she'd never seen Winterfell's great hall so alive. Not even when the Tyrells visited were the feasts so brimming with life. People were chatting loudly, exchanging stories and booms of laughter rang about the hall. She wondered if this was what life at the royal court was always like, and even if a part of her was enjoying it, she still disliked the thought of such environments being a daily part of her life. If she wasn't with Willas, and if it wouldn't reflect badly on house Tyrell and house Stark, Eddmina was certain she would have already left. After all, her spare plate of food was now piled high, and the sooner she could sneak out of the hall with the food to the quiet company of Jon, the better.

Willas could probably sense her dislike for the festivities, as he squeezed her hand gently. He'd been holding her hand all night wherever possible. Perhaps that was just him wanting to remain in the happy mindset they had put themselves in earlier, but Eddmina didn't mind, she rather liked it, because even if her home was full of strangers, at least she had him. It was strange how different they were, however, since Willas looked to be enjoying himself, though that probably boiled down to his upbringing. Highgarden was constantly hosting parties, while Winterfell hadn't seen excitement like the royal visit for a long, long time.

"Edda," Sansa called quietly from behind as she tapped her sister's shoulder. Eddmina swigged her wine before turning round to face her, already suspecting what her sister wanted. "Edda, will you come with me to greet the Queen?"

"I've already greeted her today," Eddmina stated stubbornly, watching as Sansa's face fell disappointedly before she gained a brave look about her.

Eddmina knew Sansa would greet Cersei regardless, and the thought of her little sister facing up to the Queen alone made all of her protective instincts rear up. With a sigh of slight frustration Eddmina took another sip of wine for confidence, and squeezed Willas' hand. He could tell how badly she didn't want to go to the Queen, and so he placed a gentle kiss on her cheek for luck, though the soft gesture made her blush slightly. Sansa let out a noise of impatience, making Eddmina remember the situation, and as she got up from the bench and linked her arm in her sisters, she glanced over to the Queen, only to realise she was already staring at her, a displeased look gracing her face. Eddmina wondered what she could have done to offend her, though she wondered if it was because societal expectations dictated that she should remain at the top table. She couldn't imagine her mother was much company, the two women vastly different. Their father had already left the table, though he was too honourable to have abandoned the feast he was definitely off talking with someone in a corner to avoid the spectacle, while the king had taken the opposite approach. Eddmina only realised as she got up that it was his voice booming the loudest with laughter, and he seemed to be drunkenly flirting with every woman nearby.

The sight of the king made it click in her mind; was the Queen watching her out of jealousy? Her husband was off making a drunken fool of himself while Willas was the complete opposite, doting on Eddmina. Surely the Queen, who was at least twenty years older than her, wasn't jealous or bitter that their husbands were so vastly different? Eddmina decided it was too ridiculous of a thought to even dwell on, and before she knew it she and Sansa were at the top table, curtsying to the Queen herself. Out of the corner of her eye, Eddmina caught her mother's gaze, and while she was looking at Sansa encouragingly, she glanced at Eddmina worriedly, as if willing her to be sensible and courteous.

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