Chapter Forty Four: Bannermen

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The godswood was cold and breezy, a light dusting of snow on the ground, but it was quiet, and was just what Eddmina needed, the perfect escape from the suffocation of Winterfell.

It was her first time taking Uther out there, so even though she was only really out there to get away from everything, it still felt a little special, if not overwhelmingly bittersweet. It had been a restless night, yet he was sleeping in her arms peacefully, so as she stared at the tree as she had done so many other times, for the first time in what felt like a long time, she felt a little pressure be lifted off her. She let out a long sigh, one that could have easily led to tears, but she'd decided from the moment she told Robb she'd be joining him that she was no longer allowed to cry. If she was going to accompany him to war there would be many men with them that would believe in her keeping out of their business, so the last thing she would need was her emotions getting in the way.

Still though, as she looked at her son, then to the weirwood, while sat on the log that usually belonged to her father, it was hard not to feel a lump forming in her throat.

"He will love you," she whispered to Uther gently, not wanting to wake him, yet still wanting to say the words. Even if her son didn't hear her, there was a chance the gods would, and perhaps they would listen to her for once. "He is the greatest of fathers, he will be the greatest of grandfathers too. You will meet him soon, I promise. He is wonderful, and kind, and strong. I can't wait for you to meet him."

She pushed a kiss to the top of his head, stroking her fingers through his thick dark hair. Leonette had joked only the night before that there was nothing of Willas in him at all, and though she was right and the younger Tyrell's had laughed, the older Tyrell's had seemed rather stern about it. Though, that was nothing unusual, everyone seemed to be stern and solemn, especially after Willas had told his family about their plan of going south. Eddmina hadn't been in the room to see their reaction, but she'd heard the argument that had ensued after, which only got worse after Garlan decided to also offer his support to Robb. Lord Tyrell and Lady Olenna had barely looked at Eddmina since, and Lady Alerie was incapable of conversation without getting tearful.

"I just want you to be happy and safe," she had told Eddmina the night before in an attempt to get her to agree to going back to Highgarden with the other Tyrell's.

"Nowhere is safe," Willas had replied, his hand firm on Eddmina's shoulder.

Willas had become so determined for the northern cause that sometimes Eddmina forgot that it was her who'd made the initial decision of going south. It had been him to go to Robb to declare their support, and he'd since spent countless hours in the library studying up on northern warfare, trying determinedly to learn everything he possibly could before the bannermen arrived. Gone was the man who read nothing but histories and nature books, and Eddmina couldn't help but think he looked older, as if their new venture had made him become more serious. He was still himself though, just as Robb, despite battle planning and assuming the role of Lord Stark, was still Robb. For that, Eddmina was grateful.

She'd not had another nightmare; yet. Part of her wished for another vivid dream, just in the hopes that it would give her a glimpse of what was happening. She wanted to see Sansa, or Arya, just to see them safe and alive. She wanted to see her father, just to know that he was alright. It was hard being so far, though she knew it had only been two days since Robb had called the bannermen, and nothing much would have really happened in two days.

"I can't believe I've been here so long yet I've never been out here," Leonette's voice called quietly as her footsteps crunched through the woodlands. "I'm disappointed in myself. It's beautiful here."

"Isn't it?" Eddmina couldn't help but smile.

"Everyone's looking for you," Leonette said, and when Eddmina turned her head she saw a badly disguised frown of concern.

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