Part Three: War

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'To Winterfell.

I'm sure you have already received reports of the death of Lord Eddard Stark. I would like to offer my condolences to those in the keep who knew him, served him, and honoured him every day through the respect you paid him. That respect was wholeheartedly returned, not just by Lord Stark but by the whole Stark family. Those who live and work in Winterfell, those who keep it running, those who care for us, you are a part of our family, and Lord Stark cared about you all a great deal. I'm sure his loss will be felt greatly, but just know that the losses of your own loved ones who either travelled with him down south or with Lord Robb Stark will be mourned and remembered in a manner that they deserve.

Lord Robb Stark survived his first battle, and is grateful for all the support he has received from his fellow northerners. When the war is done, he will return home and rule in the way that Lord Eddard taught him, and House Stark will stand with the North as it has done for generations.

Winter is Coming.


Eddmina Stark, daughter of Winterfell.'



I miss you. I miss you more than words could say. I hope you're well. I hope the Wall and the Watch is treating you well. I am still so proud of you for joining, and I hope that it has been the adventure that you always wished for. I didn't know if you would get this, if your duties would stop you from reading this but I wanted to write to you anyway.

Our father has been killed. I didn't know if you knew, or even how to tell you. It feels cruel to tell you through a letter, and I don't know how to write it to tell you justly. There are no kind words I could possibly use to tell you of what has happened to our father, the greatest man I have ever known, and so I must resort to this cruelty, though know that no matter how cruel it is to tell you of such news through quill and parchment, it doesn't come close to the cruelty he faced in the south.

A messenger brought the news to camp and it was Willas who told me, but clear as day I saw it all in my dreams. I've had a lot of bad dreams like that where I've seen real things, but none ever as horrible as that one. I saw him beheaded on the steps by that great ugly Sept as the Lannisters made Sansa watch. I will never forget it. I'll make sure the Lannisters never forget it either.

Do not let this news spur you on to do anything rash. You must remember your vows of the Nights Watch. I know you, I know you will want to join us to fight for father. The best thing you can do for him and for his memory is to remember your duty as a Man of the Night's Watch. Father was proud of you to take the Black. Father was a man of honour, a man who knew vows and promises must be upheld. Honour him by honouring your vows.

I cannot tell you of our journey south, lest this letter be intercepted. Just know I am safe. Robb is safe, and doing well. Willas has been a real support for me, while Uther seems to be our only source of joy at the moment. He has grown a great deal, and I long for the day that you can meet him.

I will write again the first moment I am able. Please, stay safe.

With love, your sister,

Eddmina Stark Tyrell.'


'Bran and Rickon,

I'm sure you'll have heard the news of father. I wish I could be with you both to help you through this, but for now this letter will have to do.

I am so sorry. Father loved you both so dearly. He wanted nothing but the best for you both, and though losing him is heartbreaking, we must remember all that he taught us. Us northerners are strong, and Starks even more so. Father taught us to be brave, and we must remember that, as the best way the two of you can honour his memory is to live by his lessons. He would want you to keep going, and to look after Winterfell in Robb's absence. The people of Winterfell and the North will look to you both, especially Bran, and while it's a heavy burden I wish I could bare for you both, you must do it and be the strong young men that Father knew you were.

When we are all home together, we will mourn father then, but for now we must keep going, for Winter is Coming.

Robb is well, as is mother and I. We will all be together and home safe soon, I promise you. In the meantime, look after each other.

With love,

Your sister Eddmina.'


'Dearest Lady Alerie Tyrell.

I hope this finds you well and that you are safe and untouched by this war.

I am sure that you have heard of my father, but in case the news has not yet reached Highgarden, I wished to write to you myself. My father was beheaded for apparent treason on the orders of the King. It was your son Willas who told me. I loved him before, I will always love him, but the way he cared for me last night upon hearing the news is something I will always be grateful for. He looked after me, but there is no escaping the truth that this war that you wanted the two of us to avoid had suddenly become so much more urgent and necessary.

Your sons are both doing well, and are both respected amongst the Northerners. I cannot talk of battle in case this should not make it to you, but just know Ser Garlan saved my brother's life on the battlefield, and has become highly regarded for his bravery and skills, while Ser Willas is a integral part to our operations. Your grandson Uther Jon is doing brilliantly and has grown a great deal since you last saw him, I can scarcely believe it. I cannot wait to bring him home one day -hopefully soon - for you to meet him again.

When I needed someone the most, you were there for me, without question, without judgement, without doubt. You treated me as if I was your own daughter, as if I had not caused troubles and inconveniences to your whole family. I will forever be thankful for the support you showed me, and I hope that one day you can forgive me for not coming home to Highgarden with you. I know the pain my decision to follow my brother has caused to you all, given your sons coming with me, but I hope one day you will excuse me for it all. I respect and admire you more than I can ever express in a letter.

I hope to see you soon, so I send this with love.

Eddmina Tyrell.'

Word count:  1160


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