~Chapter 17~

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Your POV:

"Then I HAD to play a game of 'guess what number am I thinking of' with Natsu for TWENTY minutes!" I whine as Erza defeats yet another opponent. "You're such a hypocrite! You make me play that game all the time!" She'd laugh

"Nuh uh!" I respond, blasting away an attacker.

"You do Y/n."


"YOU DO Y/n! END OF!" She'd shout as she finished the final person


"Nuh uh!"

"I am going to wring your neck!" She'd seethe as she ran towards me, in a jokey way, I think. I hope. I didn't wait around to see, I just RAN. "GRAY!" I scream as he turns to see an INFURIATED Erza.

"What did you do now?" Hed whine, grabbing my arm and pulling me behind him, the whole 'guild hall' was so destroyed, that the cells didn't even exist.

Well, Natsu didn't realise for a couple of minutes..

A sense of pride welled up inside me like water fills a glass. We, Team Natsu, joined forces once again. This sense of pride however did not extend past five minutes, as the magic council arrived.

Well their army...

"THE FEDS! I CANT GO BACK TO PRISON AGAIN!" I'd go to run as Erza caught my collar. Juvia was too busy ogling over Gray to even notice our new company. Lucy was pulling Natsu along the dirt, I don't know why though.

"Y/n L/n?" A familiar, deep voice queried, I could only see his eyes through the uniform cap's shadow. "Indeed." I nod, Erza releasing me.

The cap is removed.

It's my old buddy Gajeel.

"GAJEEL!" My face lit up, going to run to him before an iron bar struck into the ground beside me, causing it to shatter.

I forgot about the hate me until I use my magic. But there was no WAY I could do that if he turned all steel or iron...

"Ah not so friendly reunion." I'd step back as his eyes glowered with loathing, he skidded down the hill side, dust springing up and into the air behind him as the rest of the army remain emotionless.

"I'd like your head." His hand turned to a sword.

Wow incredibly forward... I don't give my head for free..

"No." I'd respond simply and he looked back at the army in confusion. "What do you mean 'no?'" Hed seethe, through gritted teeth

"N-O. I'm just not feeling like it today." Natsu was actually fully focused now, shouting to Gajeel.

Well it wasn't to back me up, it was a start.

"GAJEEL! FIGHT ME!" His whiny voice echoed, making the other male dragon slayer make a 'Gihee' sound.

"When Hes done with this traitor ." Panther Lily stepped forward in his big form. 2 on 1 seemed a little harsh. Well ok, a lot harsh.

I wasn't given much notice as Gajeel rocketed towards me, swiping for my neck with his bladed hand. Ducking back, I curve my back so it goes over me.

And yes I do a cheap shot, don't judge.

I kick him in between the legs, but it didn't go to plan.

"MY LEG WHAT THE HECK! I pity Levy jeez!" I'd whine as a huge bruise came up on my skin. He had turned metal.

Jeez this is gonna be ✨difficult✨.

Hopping on one foot, I go to punch his jaw, which then aches as well. Holy moly. I only have my left leg, and my right hand now. "Ow ow ow! Ok... TORSO SHOT." I don't really know what I was thinking, but my other arm was rendered useless too.

"Are you done?" Hed smirk, my hands flopping in front of me as I hop on one foot. "Everyone feared the T-Rex." (DEADPOOL OMLLL.) I change into my Black Angel form. At least now, my hands and foot are ok.

"Holy wrath." I point my hands to him as shadows shoot towards him.

"Y/N! You'll hurt him!" Lucy shouts, stepping forward and Erza puts her hand out.

"Don't! They're getting all their feelings out." She'd smirk to me.

The fight lasted around 6 minutes and 29 seconds. He had grown a LOT stronger, so much so I had to change forms and nearly went to my last resort.

Kneeling down, I go to gently touch his forehead before he goes to bite me.

"Ew what is wrong with you!" I'd laugh as I tap his skin gently and his eyes seem to widen as they saw me. "Y/N! I MISSED YOU!" My bones were crushed as he hugged me, Lily no longer pointing a sword to my jugular.

"Who-?" The exceed went to ask before I reached up and touched his head too, him hugging me tightly.

"I missed you guys!"

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