~ Chapter 14 ~

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A/n: My lazy butt finally updating like 🤡

Your POV:
"And that is when Erik tried to pull me out of the cell by my LEG." I tell Lucy, punching an oncoming member in the jaw before grimacing at the saliva and wiping it on Lyon's clothes. Who thought it was a friendly pat on the back and smiled.

Jokes on you ice boy.

"I didn't mean to Y/n! You're exaggerating!" Erik groans as he kicks another in the stomach, and turns to me before bringing his hand up, to make a pledge motion and hitting an enemy approaching from behind in the nose. "You made it awkward."

I turn to him chuckling darkly as Lucy uses Taurus to take out three or four enemies. "I made it awkward?! I couldn't MOVE." I say approaching him as we butt heads. "Yeh well maybe if you had TOLD me when I arrived. It would've been easier!" He growls as his hands turn to scales.

"Are you guys being serious?" Lucy squeaks from behind and I smirk, turning away to her leaving a Erik to fall on the ground as I disappeared from supporting him. "Noo! Of course not! We talk all the time!"

"No we don't!"

"We even have a secret greeting." I put in grinning.

"That's false news!"

"OH! And Erik loves to do our secret handshake! It's goes like boom! Boom! POW." I laugh as he goes red in the background.


I laugh before seeing Happy disappear with Natsu. "Huh... must be a food sale on somewhere... or a fight." I shrug before kicking an enemy member who tried to sneak up on me.

"Y/n!" Meredy comes running from the town centre with a large group following suit, Sorano also running with her with large tears down her face. These guys, were huge. "Eheh..." I rub the back of my neck grinning as Meredy hides behind me, and Sorano behind Erik.

"What do you want me to do about it?!" Erik shouts as they grind to a halt in a circle around us, a HUGE boom sounding from the top of the mountains surrounding the town. "I'll do something." I smile and step forward.

"Restrain yourself please. I want to leave this place in one piece." Meredy shouts, now behind Lucy. "Yeh yeh yeh! So little faith in me wow." I wipe a phoney tear before looking to the floor.

It's been ages since I've done this.

"Heavens blah blah blah... skip to the good bit. Black Angels Transformation!" I grin ecstatically as my magic circle appears above me and circles a few times before going over me and my wings appear. "Now that I have my wings... this is gonna be so much easier!"

Jumping forward as my katana appears in my hand I stab one in the jugular before spinning as I went down and flicking its blood.

Which just so happens to land on Erik (Cobra), completely by accident of course!

"Y/N!" He whines as I start to fight another off, it's friend trying to catch me in its hand. "Get over it Princess Precious and help me!" I shout as I narrowly dodge getting grabbed and crushed. "Fine." He grumbles before roaring at the one that's trying to catch me. "There I helped." He smirks as I finish the last one off.

A final boom followed by a heat wave can be seen on the mountain before the monsters seem to seep and vanish away.

Like Fairy Tails love for me.

Yes I'm petty shush.

"NATSU!" Lucy shouts as she looks worriedly to the mountain Happy had taken him to. Let's face it, if it's a fire explosion followed by silence. Natsu won.

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