~Chapter 4~

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Your POV:
Landing gracefully outside of the palace, guards immediately stand to attention at my presence, taking note of who I was. I give them a simple nod before walking towards the throne room. My hands gripping the edge of my t-shirt, turning my knuckles white before the final guards push open the large doors.

"Y/N!" Hisui immediately greets me, blowing off her current company. Archadios and the King's attention also turn to me. "Hello." I say nervously, looking down a bit at the floor. "Are you well?" The King asks as I stand a few meters in front of them. "Yes. Thank You Your Majesty." I reply politely.

"If it isn't too much to ask, I'd like to have a word with the Princess in private." I mumble, cocking my head up a bit so my gaze reaches hers. She looks at her father for permission who gives her a nod before standing up and walking past me, beckoning me to follow her.

"What's the problem Y/n?" She asks, standing at the ballrooms balcony which looked out onto the royal gardens. Seeing no point in pleasantries, I immediately get to the point.

"Yukino told me her spirits cannot be summoned. Lucy found out that her spirits have turned into these things called 'Eclipse Spirits." I state, looking at her. "The 13th one being a Gate Angel." Her eyes widened at the reminder of the mass destruction the first one caused. "I was notified you have a solution to this? To help them turn normal again?"

She slowly turns, her face turning white. "I may or may not." She says slowly, turning to the doors. "But I'd need Archadios' permission. Please stay here whilst I get him and explain the situation." She turns and briskly walks away, not giving me time to reply to her answer. 

Within a few minutes she returns with the knight and a wooden case with stars marked down the side. "We have agreed to help to keep our people safe from the spirits. This case will hold everything you need. Though I'll need everyone who's willing to help to hear me when I explain the equipment here." Hisui says quickly.

"You want me to bring them here or?" I ask, averting my gaze to the area in which Magnolia is. "Yes that would be extremely helpful." Nodding, I open my wings and stand on the balcony's  barrier. "We will send a carriage in the morning." Archadios says. Nodding again I take off to the skies my heart racing.

~Time skip to guild hall~

Landing on the roof of the noisy guild, I slide down the tiles before jumping to the floor. Brushing myself off, I push open the doors to see the whole guild in a verbal argument, a chair being thrown here and there but otherwise, it was only verbal. "What's going on?" I ask Yukino who's by the doorframe, making her jump.

"Y/N!!" She says wrapping her arms around my neck and hugging me before letting go and checking me over. "You're not hurt are you? You flew off so suddenly!" I roll my eyes smiling at her. "No no! I'm fine I promise. Just thought of a way to help you and Lucy."

She dips her head down in a nod. "So what's the guild fighting about now?" I ask, seeing Natsu and Gray but foreheads. "Uh it's difficult to find a root cause, but it's mostly about.. hehe.. you." She explains, pressing her index fingers together. Shocked, a raise an eyebrow and look at Erza and Lucy who are trying to calm the boys down.

"What about me?" I ask, my eyebrow still raised. "Who's fault it was you left." Melody comes in with Wendy. "Why does it matter? It was nobody's fault." I say angrily, walking over to Erza, ducking a stray table. "What the heck is going on?!" I shout over all the noise.

"Y/N!!" Erza shouts giving me a hug, crushing my back at the same time. "Ow ow! Erza! Can't breath." I gasp out, then eye my surroundings. Everyone had gone silent. Letting me go the requip mage looked at me dead in the eye. "Why'd you fly away?" Lucy asks, popping her head from around Erza.

Scratching the back of my neck uncomfortably I let out a sheepish smile. "Just, had a calling you know?" That's when Gray comes right up to me, looking at the floor instead of my face. "Y/n?" He asks quietly, everyone slowly going back to their conversations. "Did you leave because of me?" 'Geez I was only gone like half a day, chill.' Shaking my head no he looks relieved, but walks away without another word.

"Gray~sama are you ok?" Juvia asks, putting a hand on his shoulder only to be shrugged off. "Gray~sama?" She asks again, only for him to give her an angry scowl. "Not now Juvia." He growls before turning away again. I give the water mage a pity stare before turning to Natsu. Who just hugged me.

"It wasn't me was it?"

I don't know what it was about that question but something inside me snapped, the feeling that Natsu and Gray didn't think I could protect myself even after they'd seen me fight. The feeling that I'd always be 15 in their eyes. The feeling that... everything bad that happens to me is their fault.


They both looked shocked at me and about to speak but I cut them off. "I'm not 15 anymore! Please treat me like you treat Lucy and Erza because I'm nothing special! Not everything that happens to me is your fault ok? I can stand up for myself." I say a little quieter, realising how harsh I came down on them.

Gritting his teeth with tears threatening to fall in his eyes Natsu nods as does Gray. "Ok Y/n. We understand. Your just so... naive." And with that they both walked away. I felt horrible so I explained all the details to Erza and Master as quickly as I could before leaving the guild. Melody has a key so she'll be ok. 

Sitting down on a park bench not too far from Magnolia station I sigh to myself, pulling my knees up to my chest. "I guess I was a little harsh on them." I say to myself, a bit put out by the fact they'd started crying. "Yes, you were." I hear Gajeel say from behind me.

"Ga-Gajeel?" I say, shifting my body so I could look at him. Taking a seat next to me he grunts before looking up at the stars. "It'll be ok, they'll forgive you." He says, making me smile. "Thanks Gajeel. Did you come all this way just to make me feel better?" Seeing his red cheeks even in the darkness he grumbles.

"Don't get the wrong idea. I didn't follow you out here to make sure you didn't do anything stupid. I just happened to be walking by. So cut the 'Thank You' crap." He snaps, looking away from me. "Ok." I say snuggling into him from the side as he puts his arm around me. "That's why you're one of my best friends Y/n, you don't ask anymore questions you just go along with it."

"Alright. Getting sentimental here aren't we?" I grin, looking at him. "Shut up shorty, I was trying to lighten the mood." He growls, still looking at the the stars. "How can you do that when your not a light mage?" I ask cheekily, earning a tap on the back of the head.

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