~ Chapter 16~

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Your POV: 

Hour One in jail

The cell floors were really cold. I was starting to wonder if this was Gray punishing me for being kidnapped (which didn't make sense because I had no choice) or if somebody forgot to remind Natsu what his magic was. Blowing into my hands, clouds errupt from my mouth and dissipate as I begin to rub my hands together. This was fine, this was ok. 

Leaning against the bars, I try to get a good look at Lucy in the cell next to me. She wasn't childish enough to smush her cheeks against the bars like me, but I was hoping she would lean against them with her back. 

"Hey Y/n!" I hear Natsu's voice come diagonally from where I am and look across. We are in row format, with a long hall down the centre, and we are the only prisoners. "I'm thinking of a number between one and twenty..." We had been playing this for around twenty minutes now, and it didn't take a genius to see that Natsu was picking numbers below eight every time

. I'm pretty sure that's all he can count to. "Ugh I don't know! Six?" I'd ask as I kick the bar in frustration. It wobbles then falls over. The significant and quick had made them weak... hm. "Nice try Y/n! It was four!" He'd call as he pressed his face against the bars like I had done.

Ugh what a child. 

"Shut up a sec." I'd mutter and he started his rant which I've never really tuned into. Being with Cobra made you more rude blah blah blah never would've said that to Gray blah blah blah. 

Using all my strength, I managed to yank the bottom few layers of the bars off. Around 10 inches of wiggle room if I can limbo or crawl under. Getting on my front, I slither like a snake and stand on the other side after a few grunts and squeals, trying to get my bottom half through, and brush myself off triumphantly. 

"Y/N YOU MADE IT! GET ME OUT NEXT!" Natsu shouts and I smack my own forehead. What a moron. I shake my head at him, displaying disappointment as I hear assertive footsteps make their way into the room. Where the hell was I supposed to hide in a long corridor with cell after cell?! And i sure as heck couldn't get myself back in my cell in time... 

"I knew you could." Gray smiles and I audibly give a sigh of relief as I move on my own, wrapping my arms round his neck in a hug. "Ok. I need you to... go distract everyone upstairs while I get the key. I couldn't do it on my own." He'd order. 

I hear Juvia literally BREATHING his name in the cell to the right of me. Somebody missed him TOO much. "Ok.. ok. Anything I should know?" I'd ask, psyching myself up. "Meh not really. I called you back up in the form of Erza." He'd smirk and my heart rate went up. 

Erza? What if she sees me as an enemy too?! Then what? "Ok." I finish with giving him one last hug and head upstairs. Running around probably would receive more attention but... I had no energy. My feet scraped the floor before I came into library like room, the flirty girl from earlier and a male playing chequers were in there. Heading over, they don't even look up. 

Intense game. 

"Mm whose turn?" I'd ask and the female raised her hand slightly, to indicate it was her. "You're the purple one right? Move your centre piece diagonally right and it'll leave him with nowhere to kill you." She pauses then takes my advice, ultimately winning. "Yes! Tha-." She turns and her eyes widen. "How did you- YOU?!" She'd ask, shocked as ever. "Yes tis I." 

A game from chequers very quickly turned into warped tag. Where if I was caught, I would be sent to prison. Maybe it should be called Cops and Robbers instead? Turning to the left I see the exit. The barren waste land ahead of me. 

Oh home sweet home how you've been missed. 

Exiting, I immediately see a horse with a familiar set of red hair. Erza! Shoot what do I say? Or do? While having two fugitives chasing me. "Y/n!" She'd shout, waving me over as she jumped off her horse. My feet stumble and I trip. 

Now y'see this was actually quite a romantic thing between Erza and I, because she caught me. Her smile was so kind and her touch was warm. The way she brought out her sword to go to skewer somebody in the head - wait. 

Slowly coming back to the real world, I swipe the males legs from under his feet. "Erza you don't hate me!" I cry out and she rolls her eyes with a smile. "I was blacked out when the spell was put on me. So, you do the math." I grin 

Nothing can beat Erza. 

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