~Chapter 11~

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Your POV:
I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine, in a room that wasn't mine and a house that again was not mine. Jolting up Id look around in shock. My wounds, tended to. My magic, replenished. Looking at my hands, I turn them over in disbelief that I, Y/n L/n, am alive.

Hugging myself, I look more intensely at my surroundings. I am in a hammock as a matter of fact. Old job request papers scattered a single wall, memoirs here and there, the most interesting a maid outfit. Climbing/falling out of the hammock I make my way round the room. Little sentimental notes were attached to some requests such as: 'My first job with Lucy.'

That one is more recent than majority. Tracing it back I would find one written without a request, just a note with a flower bracelet connected to the pin. 'First Day Y/n joined the guild.' Grinning in memory I follow the string looped around the pin which lead to: 'Y/n's first time competing in the Cherry Blossom Festival' shortly followed by a news article of my disappearance released by my guild itself. Sighing, I lean against the wall, Natsu has always been the sentimental family type.

In the corner of my eye something glittered, walking over to it, an ink pot lay with quite a freshly written note underneath it.

Dear Y/n,
We beat Tartaros, well earned victory to Fairy Tail. Igneel's death made me realise, I'm not as strong as you,mentally and physically, something I've always wanted to be to fight my Dad. So Happy and I are going on a training quest together. Not a week but A LOT longer than that. Maybe we will cross paths at some point? Take care of the guild and our house for us! See ya round.

Happy and Natsu.

'No they can't leave! We only- we only just won. Lucy will be torn.' I thought placing the letter gently back down, I picked up the key which was presumably for their home. I'm going to find Lucy. Finding the strength to run I dash out of their house, past Kemo kemo's grave and into Magnolia, the centre which was being rebuilt. Wandering round with my eyes focusing on every movement I eventually bump into the blonde mage herself, in the park under a tree.

"Lucy?" I say, heading over to her and kneeling down next to her. "Oh-oh it's you Y/n." She'd say, wiping her tears away. "I-i'm sorry Natsu and Happy left." I say immediately, taking a seat on the grass beside her. "It's okay, it's not your fault. He-he didn't even tell me face to face." She'd begin to cry again, but this time into me.

"I thought we-we were s-supposed to be friends Y/n! A team! But he just left me here on my own!" She'd wail, her brown eyes glossy. "Lucy..." I begin before I see Gray and Erza rushing towards us. "Y-you guys heard about Natsu huh?" Gray would ask, panting after running. Nodding on mine and Lucy's behalf Erza would grimace. "He didn't even say a word!" She would say, clearly enraged by the whole situation. "Maybe he has his reasons?" I bargain making them both look at me. "Nothing excuses the fact he just left."

The guild hall seemed dead, quiet, out of the ordinary. Everyone chatted amongst smaller groups and nobody laughed. It's like we lost our energy. Mira even invited Sabertooth over to bring some life in but they were just as dull as the rest of us. "Y/n. Somebody is here to see you." Master would say, coming up to me. "Me?" I ask before a chilling wind blew through the hall. "Yes. He was waiting outside." Master put in, sitting on the bar.

"Ah Fairy Tail." A chilling wind blew through the wounded members of the guild, the doors bursting open. "Such power." Erza muttered next to me. I squint at the light coming from behind the intruder. "Nice hiding place Y/n, lovely atmosphere, almost reminds me of a cemetery." My blood literally froze. An- Gray whatchu doing back off. Go build a snowman or something. "It's been a while hasn't it?" Gritting my teeth I stand up. "You know them?" Lucy asks, looking at the three males.

"Unfortunately." I reply, everyone else watching us. "Come back to us, please Angel, its so lonely without you." Not a great time, it's as if they had it planned, waiting till we were all wounded to attack. Typical Blood Dagger guild. My capturers. "Go rot in your cells." I reply turning my back to them. "But then we can't complete our ceremony." A whiny voice replied. Turning to face them again their faces were more visible. That of my supposed 'friends' of Blood Dagger, and I wasn't even in their guild.

"I'm not going." I replied angrily, not even knowing why they needed me. "Y/n care to explain!" Gray said sat next to me, tightening his fists. "Blood Dagger, of the same power as Tartaros only more members and more skilled. Use Blood and sacrifice as means of increasing their own power, especially those of pure hearts. Their skills are off the charts but each have a weakness of which nobody knows. The tall, blonde one, that's Jay, he's a Shadow God Slayer as far as I am aware."

"He's strong, never underestimate him. The red haired one with piercings, that's Ruin. He's a blood mage, controlling basically the entire of the insides of your body. He likes pain, so don't even let him land a hit on you. Lastly, the dark haired one with a metal mask on his face, that's Komito. He uses physic magic and ghost magic. He harbours souls and can control mind as well as where you go. He can move objects and people and even make you hallucinate." I finish making them all smirk.

"It's nice to know you remember us Y/n. So let's go then shall we?" Jay would smirk, bringing his hand out and shadows would appear. "You won't lay a hand on Y/n." Rogue would stand in front of me making Jay smirk. "That is quite noble of you, right Ruin?" His red headed friend would smirk. "Alright then, brawl it is." Jay would disappear into a shadow, Rogue joining him as they clashed along the floor. "Guys wait!" I shout, as Ruin smirks.


"Requip! Purgatory Armour!" Erza would shout running towards Ruin. He would smirk, dodging the swing of her sword and touching three separate parts of her stomach. "Pain receptor, ten." He would laugh. Erza, in agony, crumbled to the floor screaming before he kicked her down. "Ice make!" Gray would begin. "Location, outside Magnolia!" Komito would say quietly, flicking his finger to Gray, he yelled as he vanished. "STOP!" I yell.

"OPEN GATE OF THE LION! Loke!" Lucy shouts, her power house coming through the gate. "REGULUS IMPACT!" He shouts hitting Ruin. The redhead laughs before running through it touching both Lucy and Loke on the head. "Pain Receptor, ten." He says yet again making them crumble and Leo's gate close.

He was next to me. "Ah Y/n, cmon I won't hurt you if you come nicely." He reaches a hand out to me. Sting smacks it down. "WHITE DRAGON ROAR!" He says, hitting the enemy. "Ah worthy after all, dragon force sensed." Ruin would say from across the guild hall. "Y/n, run!" Sting would say as he dodged Ruins punches.

Dashing behind Mira Komito would appear. "Demon blood detected, removed." Mira would collapse, breathing heavily. Komito always scared me, he never said ANYTHING to me. "YOU WONT SHED THE BLOOD OF MY CHILDREN!" Master yells, Wendy and Yukino fighting along his side. He grows big. "DONT DO IT!" I scream as they all attack, Minerva helping Sting and Gajeel helping Rogue.

"I'm getting bored." Jay would say, looking at his beaten up opponents. "Yeh me too." Ruin would mutter, he was holding Sting up by his neck. "Komito? What about you?" Jay would ask, looking at our entire beaten up guild. "Alright, complete the summoning circle then." Komito would say, his red metal eye looking round. "Y/n cmon." Jay would say angrily, punching Gajeel down. "Don't- don't do it... Y/n." Sting would choke out.

"I-I am no longer weak. I have magic power! I will defeat you all!" I scream, my magic circle appearing above my head to the three boys surprise. "All Angels transformation." Ruin would look at my form before smirking. "Hmph pure heart after all."

"I summon all gates! Pass through and vanquish the evil!" I scream as the gates began to open. "Shadow form." Jay summons, vanishing. Komito skidded back as an angel attacked him. "Control." He would mutter, my gates closing. "W-wait." I say turning round to punch Jay who caught my hand. "We gave you a chance Angel." He would say, our fist fight beginning. I landed a successful hit on his jaw. "Y/N RUN!" Erza shouts the rest of my guild mates calling to me.

"RUIN NOW!"Jay would yell. "Sorry Princess. High blood pressure max." Ruin would say behind me and I fell backwards, into cold arms and the shouting of my friends in the background. Save me Fairy Tail.

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