~Chapter 6~

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Your POV:
Slowly backing away against the rock wall I turn invisible and hold my breath. It moves around gracefully, it felt like it was looking into my soul. It swipes its hand horizontally, which i jump over, and grunts before turning back to what it was doing.

I try to sneak round but my blood freezes when it talks. "I know your there~." It's female sing-song voice laughed. "Just show yourself, I'm no harm." I practically stare at her. How stupid does she think I am? Don't answer that. "Listen Angel Slayer. I know why you're here, so let's just get this over and done with? Hm?"

Suddenly, I feel a burning sensation on my arm, fire burning my spell away. "Ah! There you are!" She grins. She has short black and red hair, wildly cut. Her clothes didn't really exist apart from bra and short skirt, and her skin was crumbling away, grey as ash. "Pretty little thing aren't you?" she practically slithers. "Indeed I am." I say flipping my hair over my shoulder.

"Ah she does speak after all. Name?" she asks, looking at me half mockingly. "Why?" I ask, summoning a katana. "So I can put it on your grave stone."

She blasts an orb of red and black magic at me, many more following it. I dodge side ways before one hits me in the back, painful but bearable. Running forward as many hit the floor around me, I slice upward at her hand, cutting off her fingers. "WRECH!" she screams before cackling.

A black stigmata appears on my arm before burning at the tips of my fingers. "Let's see how you cope with a curse." she coos, swiping at my feet. I hurdle over it and touch the incantation, getting rid of it instantly, the burning gone. "I purify everything." I smirk before bringing my hands together. "I beg of thee call upon my second body of the holy angels. Turn my heart to pure darkness and my soul to light. Give me the power to wield an Angels magic. White angel transformation!"

I spread my wings and soar upwards my heart racing with adrenaline. "White Angels Screech!" She stops it with one hand making me frown before coming through the dust and cutting her fingers off on her other hand. "No." She says annoyed before pushing my body back into the wall.

"Squished like a fly what a lovely way to die~" she shrieks with laughter in a song. Summoning my other katana and gritting my teeth I pierce it through her palm. She screams in raw pain and I drop to the floor like a sack of potatoes. "W-white angels sacred -ah- art! Gods descend!" I bring my hands together opening the gate to the Gods, this one is a lot more powerful than my previous God attacks.

They attack, but only leaving minimal damage. "You know Angel Slayer." she says, wiping a bit of black blood from her cheek. "You are like a wasp to me. Flittering round, trying to sting me, well let me tell you, I'm not allergic to wasp stings." she sneers, bringing her hands together. "Eh? I'm sorry but what does your allergies have to do with us fighting?"

"ITS A SIMILE!" She shouts. "Angel soul magic. Death arc. Go." Dark purple waves enclose on my body, the sickening taste of death present in the back of my throat. "A-AAA! Ange-Angels merge. NOW!" I scream the walls around me shaking with power. All four of my angel forms come together, purifying her spell in the process. "But how?! You should be dead?!"

She says, her face shocked behind her cut up hands. "I won't stop till your rubble." I say sternly, batting my hair out of my face. "Angel-!" The roof collapses above us, worlds meeting each other. I look around and the Gate Angel launches herself into the air laughing. I feel a back collide with mine and see Natsu. Looking at him I say nothing, but my eyes must speak volumes. "Y/n I-"

The angels hand comes down to hit us and I kick off with both feet, taking Natsu with me. "Angels Rage!" I scream, using it to engulf the Gate Angel and buy me time with Natsu. "Not a great time." I say impatiently as I see red light seeping through my defence. "I'm sorry ok?" He says putting hands on my shoulder.

Sighing as she breaks free I shrug his arms off."Natsu, sometimes sorry doesn't cut it. I mean, what you said hurt a lot." I say slicing up her arm as she goes to grab Natsu and we both avoid her other attack. "Are these your words or Happy's?" I ask, summoning Hell's and Fairy Tails gate and letting them attack the angel.

"Mine and if sorry doesn't fix it then this will." he drags me into a hug, the warmth of his body enveloping me. I sigh into him before hugging him back. "I'm not done with you!" The gate angel screams, going to squash us but her hand being hit by a barrier. "Ok Natsu, I-"

"I promise." he says letting go of me. I look round and see the whole group around us. "Wow uh where did you guys come from?" Gajeel laughs before the angel tries to hit us again, being greeted with the barrier. "FAIRY TAIL, ATTACK!" Wendy's shrill little voice says, and we do, all at once.

"Heavens Wheel: Pentagram swords!"
"Fire Dragon Roar!"
"Ice Make: Lance!"
"Sky Dragon ROAR!
"White Fairy: Shattering Glitter Scope!"
"Urano Metria!"
"Iron Dragon Roar!"
"Water slicer!"
"Solid scrip: Fire!"
" Fire Cards!"



She lets out blood tears as she crumbles away after my last blow. "I lasted less time than my future sister? The one who came with the dragons?! Oh how weak..." and with that, she's gone. Smiling at everyone around me I let out a shaky laugh as Mel hugs me. "2nd one down." she grins.

A loud roar sounds ahead of us, a galactic monster appearing on one of the stars. We all spread out as to avoid any devastating attacks. "FIRE DRAGON ROAR!" Natsu shouts, his attack having no affect whatsoever. It turns to him and blasts a sort of star beam at him. "NATSU!" I shout jumping in front of him.

"Y/N No!" Erza shouts. I turn to face Natsu as I become one of the stars. "I forgive you..."

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