~Chapter 5~

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This'll have practically no fighting in, but sad memories of Y/n.

Your POV:
I don't really remember the rest of the night, I fell asleep, but I did wake up in my bed; light coming in through the balcony shutters. I was about to go back to sleep when Archadios' words rang in my head like an alarm. 'We will send a carriage in the morning.'

Gasping, I spring out of bed, running down the stairs to see Melody cooking. "Melody! What time is it?" I ask, jumping to get my shoes on. "10 am why?" She says, flipping over a pancake. "Oh crud!" I shout, picking the pancakes on the table up and opening the front door. "Mel let's go!" I shout, running down the path.

~time skip~

I arrive at the guild just as the carriage is going out of view, Melody just behind me. "DARN IT!" I scream, out of breath and holding my side. "Wow ok, that went downhill pretty quick." Melody chuckles before my hands latch onto her shoulders. "WE WILL HAVE TO FLY!" I announce, bringing my hand up.

"Ugh. Fine." She responds. Transforming into her white fairy, smirking as her wings spread out. "Let's go." I nod simply, and change into my Fairy Tail Angel form, practically advertising my guild.

(A/n- Come to Fairy Tail today, we have flying cats, nudists and people who can breath elements. Get injured on your first day and you will get a free strawberry cake, lose that too, then tough. This offer ends Saturday. (Read fast like at the end of an ad) 30 day free trial. Subject to contract, we cannot ensure you won't be injured so this is non refundable. Lol really hyper right now sorryyyy )

Flying after the carriage Melody lands straight on it, her hand on the roof to steady herself. "MAY DAY MAY DAY! CRASH LANDING!" I shout as I bounce off the top of the carriage, landing on the horse in front. "Y/N!" Erza shouts inside as the roof collapses on the group.

When we pull up Hisui runs to the front of the gardens to greet us. "Let's hurry." Everyone nods grimly apart from me, I'm checking the side of my body to make sure I won't bruise. Then everyone begins running, making me sweat drop. 'We aren't in an action movie.' I mentally groan, practically waddling after them.

We finally reach the downstairs part of the castle, I lean against the wall in exhaustion. "Tsk, you shouldn't be tired Y/n." Natsu says annoyed. I look at him and stand up straight. "I'm not. I just don't feel well." I grumble. He comes closer to me, looking me square in the eye. "Maybe if your heavy body didn't hit the death mobile you wouldn't be."

'Ouch' I grumble in my head. "Whatever Natsu, don't have time for you and your pink hair." I bluntly state, going to stand next to Erza. "It's salmon." he seethes, tacking me into this dimension Hisui had just opened. "Get off!" I shout as we land in a dark blue room with doors.

"Natsu!" Erza barks, pulling him off. "What has gotten into you?" He shrugs her off and giving a nod to Lucy and Happy, he takes a key from Hisui as she's explaining and walks through a door. "Oh." Hisui says, annoyed that he'd left without her final words. "Can I have one please?" I ask, rubbing a bruise Natsu had made on my face.

She nods, handing me a key then pointing to a larger door that was red instead of light blue. "Bye." I almost whisper as I go through, knowing this could possibly be the last time I see them.

I land in hell practically, lava is bubbling beneath the molten rock I'm standing on, bits breaking away. I jump between each floating piece before reaching a downward staircase. Using my white magic I light it up whilst going down. Seeing large wings bunched up I gasp in surprise, it turns round...

🔥Natsu's POV🔥
I frown when I don't get the desired reaction from Y/n. Going through the random gate I chose I let out a grumble of annoyance. "I don't get it Happy." I say angrily, turning to my little buddy. "What Natsu. That you were a jerk?" Happy responds. I'm taken aback.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" I ask loudly. "Y/n didn't deserve that! She has a big heart and you're a big part of it, she would do ANYTHING for you and just cause she's having a rough week you're cruel to her. SHE SAVED OUR LIVES." He starts crying, I've never seen this side of Happy before.

"And now." He starts again rubbing his tears away, I grit my teeth in regret, knowing what he'll say next. "We will probably never see her again. AND HER LAST MEMORY WILL BE OF YOU BEING A MEANIE!" He begins to walk away, tears hitting the floor.

What have I done?

Suddenly, Loke appears, as different as ever. He has armour and black fire. "Natsu." He acknowledges annoyed already. "Loke." I growl back.

❄️Gray's POV: ❄️
I can't believe Natsu. Y/n is going off, risking her life for one of Yukino's spirits and he is an arse. I begin walking through a dark hall. "It's funny." I think out loud. "I've never seen Y/n in a fight with anybody."
Then it clicks. "Oh wait no, she had one with Natsu and I when we were 12."

Memory: I had walked into the guild, no problems so far. Natsu was talking to Y/n. 'Tch. Typical.' I growl. Walking over I slam my hands down on the table. "What's up losers?!" I announce loudly to Y/n and Pinkie. "Who you calling loser loser?" Natsu starts on me yet again. Yes! My words had their desired affect.

"Guys chill." Y/n giggles, her hand covering her mouth. But by then, we were using magic. We both took a step back and used our most powerful move at the same time. "GUYS!" Y/n shouts more seriously than before. But they clashed together and hit her instead, sending her smallish frame into the beer glass cupboard. I remember getting up off the floor, more worried about myself till I saw Y/n.

Small delicate Y/n. She had blood trickling down her forehead, and was out cold. Natsu reached her before I did but Erza swatted him away. It was weird what small thing I did, the consequences bounced back and hit Y/n.

The next week I had gone to give her flower crown back to her in the infirmary, it was a bit burnt, but with the help of Mira who adored little Y/n, I had fixed it. Knocking on the door I didn't get a reply. I went in to see Y/n reading a book Levy had lent her. "Hey Y/n I brought your flower crown."  I said nervously, setting it down next to her. She turned to look at me,.

Stitches covered her forehead and a burn mark was up her neck whilst the left side of her cheek was dark purple from frostbite. "I'm so sorry I didn't-"
"Go." She cut me off, I looked at her shocked. "LEAVE GRAY!" She shouts again, her voice sounding strained, so i did, with tears down my cheeks, though not as many Y/n had cried that day.

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