~Chapter 13~

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(so this is your POV between Natsu meeting Lucy again and getting everyone together)

Your POV:
"But I don't wanna move! We've only been here like... 3 days." Meredy complains as we make our way to Lamia Scales home town to find out information. Jellal found out from an unknown source that Natsu and Lucy were supposed to be heading that way in order to gain a member in Wendy after their duel in Tuly Village.

I of course was ecstatic when my current 'guardians' agreed to help me find out about my guild and why they never came for me. Walking next to Meredy and Erik I have to listen to the Sensory Link mage whine about her feet hurting and her asking for piggybacks from many of us, all of us declining to be awkward.

I think Erik has been feeling bad for me because he keeps trying to cheer me up. But whenever I even THINK that he'll deny it and go all bashful which never fails to make Sorano laugh. We arrive in Lamia Scales home town on Thanksgiving day. We had to stay in the shadows but it was still fun to observe the festivities from there. Sawyer (Racer) even managed to steal me food. FOOD!

Suddenly, I'm overtaken by the sound of two girls singing, following the sound I realised I recognised one of the voices. Wendy Marvell. "Y/n... where are you going?!" Sorano hisses at me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "S-sorry but I think I hear one of my guild mates—" I begin before being tackled by a salmon ball of fluff. "HAPPY LOOK! I KNEW I SMELT Y/N!" It was Natsu. I was overwhelmed with emotion before hugging him tightly. Hey he was away when it all happened.

"Natsu! I can't tell you how much i've missed you!" I giggle before he stood up, also helping me up, the rest of Crime Sorcier smiling. "I missed you too Y/n but something bad has happened—" Then, his blonde partner appeared looking like she had just been on a long run. "Who's that you're talking to Natsu? Does she know where Wendy is?" Lucy would ask, not taking note of who i AM.

Natsu muttered. "They've all forgotten you in Fairy Tail, every single one..apart from Happy and I..." He'd say, holding my shoulders as he turned to Lucy. "It's Y/n. The one I told you you knew and you denied..." Lucy took one look at me up and down and I might as well have been waving a red flag at a bull because she whipped out a gate key. Her eyes looked possessed but Erik pulled me back. "She's been poisoned...she has no clue who you are and believes you're an enemy Y/n.."

"OPEN GATE OF THE LION! LEO!" She'd scream before he appeared. "Hey Y/n long time no see~." He'd begin before Lucy properly barked at him to eliminate me. I don't know what Loke thought was going on but he did attack. "LUCY NO!" Natsu shouted. "White Angel Spirit!" I shout before getting out my shield and stopping Loke from kicking Erik or I. "Y/n you get Lucy to remember! I'll distract Loke." Erik would say before doing just that. Running at Lucy she would try to kick me but I bridged over before grabbing both her arms.

"LUCY REMEMBER ME!" I yell at her as she tries to fight back against my hands, gritting her teeth in determination. "YOU TRAITOR!" She screams back at me before I have no choice but to force her to the floor and use my weight to hold her down. Touching her with my light magic I breathe out, this is my last hope without damaging her. "Remember me Lucy please...I care so much about you..." I whisper quietly as light magic surrounds us.



"Y/Y-n? YOURE BACK!" Lucy hugs me tightly as I almost cry and laugh in relief. "Y-you remember me?" (Yeh Lucy remembered you at the end of last chapter) She looks at me confused. "OF COURSE I DO! How've you been?! How'd you escape?" She'd ask looking round as the celebrations began to draw to a close. Both of us standing up she'd hug me tightly again. "I AM SO SORRY I DIDNT HELP YOU!" She'd cry. "Last thing I remember is a-a guy coming in with a dark spell and then BAM!"

I looked confused at her before grinning, glad it was all over. That was until we heard shouts and screams as well as Orochi's Fin members approaching, tearing down banners and everything. "NATSU!" Wendy runs over and looks at me oddly before speaking. "It's Orochi Fin...they're here to ruin it all..." Cheria (don't care if that's wrong lmao) would explain to us they were the rival guild of Lamia Scale.

"Evil doers must be vanquished." Macbeth (Midnight) said darkly as we stood still watching man, child and woman without magic run for their lives as explosions and malicious laughter could be heard, all happy vibes gone. Lyon would approach before bowing at me smiling. "Y/n long time no see." He'd grin before explaining all to Natsu and Lucy as well as to Crime Sorcier, even though he had no clue who they were.

"Y/n...Lucy...Happy...Lamia Scale and Crime Sorcier.." Natsu said cracking his knuckles whilst smirking. He was itching for a fight. "Let's pummel these guys." He said. I smirked bringing out my katanas. Lucy brought out Virgo's key and a whip. Crime Sorcier nodded all smiling to each other and getting in fighting stance. Lyon got his hands ready to 'ice make' and the Sky Sisters got back to back as Orochi's Fin closed in, all snickering as they looked at the 14 of us.

"This'll be easy work." The leader laughed looking at us as the Orochi Fin members cracked their knuckles. "Ready?" Lucy asked. "LETS GO!" Happy shouted as we all jumped toward each other.

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