~Chapter 1~

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Your POV:
Wincing as I hauled myself up onto the stool of the bar, Mira and I smiled at each other whilst a typical whole guild fight was in play. My left side has now been slightly challenged for the past few days but I think I'll be able to pull through.

Watching as Erza held Natsu and Gray in a headlock position, I grinned before ordering my favourite drink, swinging my legs like a little kid. Taking a seat next to me, Gajeel ruffled my hair before ordering 1kg (One kilogram) of iron, to which Mirajane sweat dropped at.

"So, you thinking of going on a job anytime soon Y/n? You've been out of it for a while now." Gajeel says, leaning on his left elbow and looking at me in curiosity. "Yeh I'm thinking about it." I smile, taking a sip out of my newly placed drink in front of me. "Mhm, I'd ease yourself back into it Y/n, don't do a Natsu and jump into an S-Class straight away." Mira butts in.

"Yeh, though I don't know if I can take S-Class now, seen as my partner is no longer here." I put in shortly, stretching my arms in front of me. Ever since a week after Eclipse's death, I got used to the pain of thinking about it and it kinda just flows, I've moved on I guess, moved on but not forgotten.

"That reminds me! I need to visit her grave!" I say, downing my drink before jumping out of my seat. "Gajeel, can you and Levy watch Mel for me? I doubt she'll do anything but still." Earning a tilt of the head from Gajeel and a happy nod from Levy, I wave to the crew before heading out alone.

Heading into Magnolia, I receive many compliments about my achievements and sometimes, even my looks, but Ill always try and reply earnestly. Reaching the outskirts of my small town, I begin to pick orchids, they were Eclipse's favourites after all. After retrieving a small amount, I sidle into the forest, humming a little tune whilst limping.

Reaching a small yet wide moat, I delicately open my wings to fly over it before landing on the small island in the middle, the sun beaming down on it. In the very centre, was a willow tree, it's branches grazing the floor and swaying slightly in the wind.

At the base of the trunk, I had placed a large rock with my partner's name inscribed onto it in red swirly letters with paint. I removed the flowers I put there 3 days ago and renew them before sitting next to it, the heat sticking to my skin. "I miss you a lot." I said to the sky, hoping my exceed could hear me. "Just know I love you."

~Time Skip~

Reaching Fiore in record time to buy Melody a present, I weave in and out of the busy streets, occasionally knocking into people's sides. Breaking into a small clearing I see a small kiosk selling flower crowns and immediately go over to it.

Paying for a new red one I hand over the money before placing it primly on my head, smiling to myself.

Suddenly, I feel a light tug on my right sock, causing me to look down. My eyes immediately take in the frog exceed's presence giving me a reason to smile without forcing it. "Oh! Hey Frosch! Can I help you?" I ask, bending down to its size. Nodding, the exceed begins to explain, but I fail to hear over the noisiness of other street goers.

Picking it up, I head over to a small park area before setting the flying cat down and indicating for it to retell its story.

"I'm lost." It said simply, its eyes welling up with tears making me want to hug it and comfort it, just as you'd do with a child. "Aw! Have you lost Rogue or Lector?" I ask, picking it up yet again and placing it on my lap as I was now sat on a bench.

"I lost Lector, but I don't know how to get back to my home." Come to think of it, I don't even know where it is, apart from if i flew round, but that's kinda considered cheating in Frosch's case. "Well how about we both look at that map? Then you can lead me because I don't know either". I say, hiding my actual motive of tagging along.

If I left Frosch on its own then if something bad happened I could never forgive myself, not after Eclipse's death. Nodding, the small exceed jumped into my arms as we both headed over to the map, but not before my eyes trained on blonde hair, a blue flower, black robe and purple waist coat.

Smirking, I realise this is all a test, and i shouldn't have really intervened. "Ok so we are here." I point out, tearing my concentration away from the hiding trio and Lector. "Home this way?" Frosch asks, pointing East. Looking at the map, and the way it's pointing I nod happily and we begin our journey.

On the way down an alley Frosch directed me down, we come across a weird bunch of 'Frog catchers' they kept pointing at Rogue's exceed saying for me to hand it over until the boss came and reached for Frosch, to which the small flying cat jumped out my arms and began to run.

"How DARE YOU?!"I shout in mock of anger, these guys were harmless. "I WAS TAKING A STROLL WITH MY FROG AND YOU RUINED IT!" Bringing my arms up I gather a small amount of magic energy before beginning my spell.

"ANGELS RAGE!" I scream, punching the cobbled road making it crack and buckle, except we're Frosch was standing, leaving a neat circle around it. "Now if you'll excuse me." I say to the twitching stroll ruiners. "I have a frog walk to get back on." I jump over to Frosch, picking the small cat up and walk away as if I wasn't the cause of the destruction of an entire block of houses.

An~ I'm BACK! Here is my first chapter, I know it was very detailed but I thought it would be a cute starter for this book. Ciao <3

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