~Chapter 10~

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Your POV:
I hear a deep chuckle, almost throaty and look to the dark dragon it's coming from. "How can something so small, so insignificant and so weak defeat me? The dragon KING!" He lashes out at my smaller frame. Dodging upwards, Id land a direct hit on the back of his head with a punch. "Size doesn't matter, and neither does significance."

Spinning round, Id lodge my katanas in his skull. "What does matter, is the fact you hurt so many people with nothing bad ever happening to you." My katana explodes white light and he shouts in pain. The sun was coming up now, I realise we had been fighting in complete darkness. Looking at my friends then Achnologia, I make a quick decision. 'He will kill many more if you let him live.' I reason with myself. 'So, I suggest exterminating him now, even if it puts your own life in jeopardy.'

Smirking I'd clap my hands together, a sphere of light blue with small feathers dancing off it appeared as I leave a small gap in between them. "Y/N! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I hear Erza scream at me from below, Minerva draped over her shoulder. "DONT TRY AND BE THE HERO! IT NEVER ENDS WELL FOR EVERYONE!" Rogue adds on also shouting. 'I'm not doing it for just my family and friends. I'm doing it... so the world will be a better place.'


"Y/N! DONT DO IT!" Gajeel shouts up at me, he looks beaten, bruised, all cos of Achnologia. Sighing, the dragon would be charging at me. "Y/N!" Lucy would shout, Natsu next to her, tears streaming down his face from his now dead father. Dodging up using my wings, Id avoid the dragon 'kings' headbutt. "Y/N THINK ABOUT IT!" Sting would shout up to me, his blue eyes trained on me, like I was the most fascinating thing he'd ever seen.


"Don't!" Gray would tell with Juvia, smiling sadly I'd look down at them all, to a crying Happy, Carla, Frosch, Lector and Wendy, and to the fire dragon slayer who said nothing. 'I'm sorry.' Id think as Achnologia aimed a roar at me.


"NOW ANGELS LAW!" Id scream, the sphere widening and covering the dragons form he'd let out a roar of pain, his screech hoarse and croaky. The world around me was white as i put my spell into motion. Sure, I've sacrificed my life before, but this time, I was sure it was worth it than many times before.

'You promised me.' I'd hear Natsu's voice in my head, Melody next to him as he held her hand in defiance.

Possible future~
"Where can I begin with Y/n? Hero, loved one, family, best friend, sister, daughter and mother." Master's voice would ring in my head. Below my floating form, lay out the cemetery of fallen heroes of Fairy Tail, which was underneath a large blossom tree. Members from many guilds were crowded round a tombstone of an angel, her two hands holding her heart with her head bowed. Her wings stuck fully out from behind her as petals blew past.

" I never met a person in my life who disliked Y/n." Master would continue as tears began to fall. "Her brains would put all of ours to shame, her eyes sparkling brighter than any star that guides our path, her beauty rivalled even the sky itself and her kindness... made Angels look cruel." He would say, Erza and Melody holding bouquets of flowers behind him. "She was stronger than majority, but didn't use her strength for bad but for the kindest deeds."

"When she first joined as a child, I remember her saying to me,' I can feel it, even though I have no magic power, I can feel that this will be my home for the rest of my life, the place where I grow and learn." He'd start crying at the end of his sentence and hand over to Erza. She was wearing black, the only outfit i've seen her wear apart from her bathing suit and purple dress, that didn't have a sword with it.

"Y/n, touched many hearts when she was with Fairy Tail, and whilst that three year gap without her being with us was long, she made it worth the wait." She'd look up to the blue sky where the wind was blowing. "She lived everyday to the fullest and never failed to make anyone smile." Smiling softly at that comment she'd turn to the tombstone. "Her only flaw, was that she was too selfless. She never thought of herself, only for others." Looking to Melody as she placed the bouquets down, she'd lead my crying 'daughter' away.

Next, was Gray. "I always considered Y/n my best friend. Always there for me, making me smile and would do anything for me. She never asked for anything in return. The three year gap where I thought she was dead, crushed me" He'd say, crumpling the speech paper in his hand. "And when she came back, it was like a huge huge weight was lifted off of me. Her reassuring smile was enough to make all my worries vanish."

Many more people spoke such as Lucy, Gajeel, Laxus, Yukino, Juvia, Mira, Sting & Rogue and Wendy, but only briefly. The one that stood out to me, was Natsu's.

"Y/n killed Igneel. Whether it was unintentional or not, she played a role in it." He began, making everyone gasp, Melody started crying again. "But, I could never hold a grudge." Master would watch him wearily. "She had healed me, helped me and protected me so many times with only her getting hurt, I figured this made up for it all. She tried to save Igneel as well, I watched her." Natsu's eyes would scan the crowd. "She was stronger than everyone here. She never boasted or anything like that. She was too kind."

"Y/n was too kind, too precious and too gentle for this world. And that is why it destroyed her, took her away from us. She wouldn't want us here crying, she'd want us to approach each day as a new opportunity. She'd want us to carry on remembering but not sadly, happily."

My images were fading away, I was back.

"DIE!!" I scream as I cut off the spell early, not killing me as it should've done, but damaging me. "Well played Angel slayer, till we meet again." He ran away, coward. Leaving cold air rushing through my hair as my magic gave in and I fell from the sky, my body only in air for a minute or so, until i landed ,right into someone's warm arms.

Thank you, Natsu.

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