~Chapter 9~

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~thinking a bit into the past~

Your POV:
I woke up to hear rushing water below me, shouting voices and one male voice. Shaking my head clearing the pain that came when i woke up I manage to stand up on two feet and look around me.

I was quite high up on a red, weird squidgy feeling beam. Clear fresh water ran flowed like a fast river below me . The source wasn't natural, it was a mermaid with a blonde girl next to her. Blonde? Lucy! My head has a sharp pain before I look at what she is so afraid of. My nakama...

Jackal. No doubt about it. The one who got me in all this mess in the first place. "SACRIFICE MY KEY LUCY! ITS THE ONLY WAY!" I hear the mermaid yell at my fellow comrade. MOVE Y/N MOVE! There's screaming and the water intensifies. Shining yellow glitter appeared and the mermaid dissolves away, along with the water.

"What the cra-" Jackal is washed away and Lucy is sat on the floor crying up at the ceiling. I find the strength to move. Jumping down off the beam Id land safely on my feet. "Y/n! My darling! Kill her for me!" Jackal shouts as we begin to slide due to something hitting our contraption. Standing above Lucy, she remains crying. I frown in pity.

Laughing , Jackal knew he'd won. "KILL HER!" I hesitate before falling to my knees, I'd wrap my arms round her neck. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you." Id whisper, my voice hoarse from lack of usage. She hugs me back, tight, as we plummet to the floor. I scrunch up my eyes and await silence. Death.

Hearing a crack, I open them, the world around me rubble. Jackal is crawling out of his holding. Man does he look miffed. "Y-You! You did this!" He shouts, pointing accusingly at Lucy. She's still crying, and still hugging me. Her tears making my hair damp, I've never seen Lucy this sad before. "Y/n! You were supposed to collect for me." He says, his eyes narrowing.

"Doesn't matter now, cos you're both wide open, I don't even care if I hit you this time pretty fool." He smirks, his arm lighting up with an incantation. My eyes widen in alarm. "Lucy, move!" I shout standing up in front of her making her let go of me. She doesn't budge, she still sits there crying. "Lucy-" His blast comes towards us but i feel nothing but a hand on my shoulder. "I'm going to end him." Lucy muttered under her breath. When did she-?

Then she did it, right then and there, she took him out with Urano Metria. I was in awe. She has grown so strong compared to when I first met her. He was dead and Lucy collapsed. I caught her and placed her down. My mind fuzzy. And now, here I am.

~present time, now~
"I told him to kill her whilst he had the chance." A deep throaty voice comes from behind me. "WHOS THERE?!" I shout, making the demon reveal himself. "I am Tempesta. You probably don't recognise me Fairy Tail scum, but you and that girl were the only two left in your guild." He informs me, he's quite strong I can sense it, but my nakama always taught me to fight for what I believe in.

"Y-you what?!" I shout looking up at him, my eyes dark. "It wasn't difficult to extinguish you all just-oof." Dashing forward I had punched him straight in the gut. "If it takes my life to get my friends back, I'll take that risk!" I scream, punching him over and over until his stomach has fist marks in it. "You little-" He was about to strike me when I turned but I heard a clang.

"Lesson number one Y/n. Don't turn your back on the enemy." I hear Gajeel's voice say, he sounds angry, infuriated. "Y/n!" Gray shouts running over to me, Natsu was checking on Lucy. "How are you all alive?!" The demon shouts at us all and we all turn to him, our eyes alight. "BECAUSE WE ARE FAIRY TAIL!"


I hear a roar, a distant one, but I know it's there. "Achnologia." I mutter looking down. "Impossible I-I killed him." I say, looking at the floor. "You good back there Y/n?" Gray said, he was currently giving me a piggy back as he was worried I was injured and not telling anyone. "N-no. He's back. Achnologia is back." Natsu collapses next to us, his eyes widened. We all looked at him.

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