~Chapter 7~

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Your POV:
My eyes flutter open and I wake up in my own home. Erza is sat at my dressing table brushing her hair and Lucy is sat in Mel's bed reading a book. "Y/n! You're awake!" Lucy says excitedly putting her book down and rushing over to me.

"Ha yeh." I laugh as she collides into me. Erza turns and smiles before joining the hug. "What happened?" I ask as they release me. "Natsu. He defeated it, in rage. He wasn't too happy that you sacrificed yourself for him." Lucy explains, letting out a nervous laugh.

"Yes. He carried you back here too. Wouldn't leave until I made him." Erza says letting out a small laugh. Swinging myself out of my bed Id stand up. "So did I miss anything drastic?" I ask, eating breakfast Mel had just brought up. "Uh. The Magic Councils meeting point was blown up. That was pretty strange." Mel frowns.

Erza nods in memory. "Master said that when you wake up you're to go with Lucy, Natsu, Wendy, Carla and Happy to protect some of the older generations of Magic Council." She instructs as I down my drink. "Oh! Uh I guess I'll go now then." I mumble and go into my bathroom, shower and get changed.

Coming out of the bathroom, Erza and Mel had gone and Lucy was waiting for me, spinning a key round in her hand. "Did you guys do anything when I was out?" I asked. She nods, watching me get my boots on. "We restarted a flame in a giants village. Made friends with Flare there." Looking at her in surprise through my hair I'd stand up, grab my backpack and open the door.

Walking out we'd begin to make our way to the guild, a solid 10 minute walk from mine. "How did that go?" I asked, disappointed I missed out. "Alright. Well we got it done without destroying everything so, bonus?" She lets out a laugh as she puts Sagittarius' key back in her pouch. Arriving, Wendy and Carla would already be at the door.

"Oh great! Y/n you're awake!" she'd smile, giving me a hug with Carla giving me a nod in the background. "Yep. I made it back alive kiddo." I'd smile as the guild doors burst open and Natsu would come flying out. Pushing Wendy out the way, his body would collide with mine and we'd roll down the hill.

Finishing on the grass with Natsu above me he'd look at me a while before grinning. "Hey! Long time no see Y/n." He'd get up before offering me a hand which I'd take and then smacked me over the head. "What the hell was that for?!" Id shout and then he pulls me into a hug. "You're an idiot ya know that."

I turn red in embarrassment. "No I'm not! I saved your god damn arse!" He laughs as the rest of the crew catch up to us. "Y/N! Are you ok?!" Lucy would ask concerned. "Yeh i'm alright." She'd scowl at Natsu before pointing to Magnolia station. "Cmon Natsu! You're wasting our time."

"Aye!" Happy would laugh.

~time skip the death trap~

"We are here!" Wendy would cheer, throwing her arms in the air as we get off. "Wahoo." Natsu would say, nearly throwing up. Lucy would roll her eyes and Happy would snicker. Walking to the former council members house we'd knock before a young woman answers. "Hi. We are from Fairy Tail." I greet showing her my emblem. "We are here to protect an ex council member?"

"Took ya long enough." An old man's voice would yell from behind her. "Hello sir." I grit my teeth as I try to be polite. "Your uh physical body is in need of protection so uh, we are here." I say awkwardly. "You don't look like you could stop a mouse girl. Go home." he huffs before turning round.

"WELL EXCUSE ME BUT—" My voice is cut off by an explosion, everyone but my  bodies toppling over.  Standing angrily I look up at the person who caused the explosion. "Ex council member? Delivery." A cheetah like man would cackle, standing on a beam of wood.

"Hey! You cut me off!" Id shout angrily, bringing his eyes to me. "Well helllloo~" His eyes would widen at the sight of me. " Aren't you a pretty fool?" Frowning as the old man ran away I was about to reply when Natsu lurched forward. Kicking and punching him he'd be knocked out in seconds.

Glancing at his knocked out body judgementally Id frown once more. 'Why did Master send all of us?' Slowly he began to get up laughing. "Nice one kid. But you shouldn't interrupt, especially when I'm hitting on someone." He's sat slowly. Natsu's arm began to glow yellow.

"My curse is everything I touch, explodes." He'd chuckle before looking at me. "And you pretty fool, are coming with me." Natsu would put his glowing arm in front of me. "Y/n get outta here now! I'll hold him off for as long as possible." I'd look at him in shock. "Natsu if this is you repaying me then-" he'd turn and glare at me . "Just go Y/n godammit!"

Nodding I'd grab Wendy's arm and run, Lucy following us. Hearing an explosion in the background I scrunch my nose up before I see a glowing yellow incantation in front of me. Putting my arms up, Id stop the girls from standing on it as well. It blew up anyways and sent Lucy and Wendy flying backwards.

"Y/n, I really need you to come with me ok?" He'd say as Lucy's Sagittarius aims his arrows at him and fired, he stops them with a single explosion. "I'm asking nicely pretty fool now cmon! Demons aren't usually as nice as me!" Opening my wings his eyes would widen in surprise.

"So now I see why Mard wants you." He'd smirk. "White Angels Screech!" He'd jump up and land behind me, touching my shoulder I feel the curse spreading over my shoulder. Purifying it by wiping my hand over it, I'd slash my katana up at him. Lucy, Wendy and a battered Natsu run towards us but a yellow barrier hits them.

"Y/n!" Natsu would shout,pounding his fists on it. "Guys?!" Id shout back in horror as a magic circle would appear underneath them. They were trapped. "Y/n come with me now, or they all die." The demon would smirk, holding his hand out for me to take. I'd look at the ground before smirking.

"Or I could just wipe you out with one move." I say cockily. "White Angels Sacred Art: Gate to Angel Gabriel!" His Gate opens but the demon unleashes multiple explosions on his gate, sending him back. "What?!" i shout in horror as the explosion goes off behind me, then I feel a touch on my head, and a loud boom.

Waking up in unfamiliar surroundings I was in a glass like tube. A bunny person was smirking at me. "Demon blood running through your veins, how will that feel." The explosion demon is also standing in front smirking and obviously checking me out. Ew. "Jackal, what shall I do to her first?" The bunny asks the demon.

"How about make her even prettier if that's possible? She can be my sidekick." Jackal smiles evilly. I feel a short burning sensation.

"AAHH!" Screaming I tilt my head up in pain. My face is changing. "That's it, that's enough." Jackal smirks, watching me relax again. "Perfect now that scar over her eye is gone. What magic did you give her?" The bunny looks at me in jealousy then turns to him. "I couldn't, she has purifying magic so her magic remains the same. The only thing wiped is her memory."

Smashing the glass with my magic, I stand up over the glass covered floor. Summoning clothes, I look at them both. "Name?" I ask. The bunny one comes over to me, brushing my hair out my eyes. "Don't steal any men away from me got it?" It threatens. "Hey Doll. The names Jackal, you feeling alright? Fairy Tail did give you a right beating." He puts his arm round me. "Fairy Tail?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.

"I already hate them."

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