~Chapter 2~

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Your POV:
Walking with Frosch, can become tedious after a while, no matter how adorable it is. Walking along the path my legs began to ache, hey I'm no good with REALLY long walks. After stopping for a bit, I realise we are indeed in the middle of nowhere.

"Uh Frosch?" I say worriedly, lifting it up to my head height. "You know where we are?" The sleeping exceed has a small bubble coming out of its nose whilst it's sound asleep. Then sun was just setting over the church spire and my attention turned to my growling stomach.

"Ugh, must find guild." I groan dramatically heading in the direction of which I think is the town centre.

After some time, I see the huge Sabertooth statue of a Sabertooth tiger roaring. Opening the doors to the building I'm immediately greeted with chants and whistles as people thank me for finding Frosch and helping it home.

A hand slaps round my shoulder and I turn to see Sting grinning at me. "Thanks Y/n! You made our job a lot easier." Smiling sheepishly, I place Frosch in Rogue's arms who looks at me, without saying 'thanks' or any sign of gratitude. He walks off upstairs leaving me to wonder what I've done wrong.

After having a long long chat with Yukino about her crush, her keys and other stuff too, I decide to head home. Heading towards the door I give Yukino, Lector and Sting a hug before pushing on the wood and exiting into the cool outside air. I don't even make it 5 steps out before I feel someone wrap their arms round me from behind and hug me.

"Sorry for being horrible." I hear Rogue's voice say, muffled by my hair. "I just, couldn't think of a way to thank you."

'That's your excuse?' I say in my head.

Taking a deep breath, I spin round in his arms and hug his neck, his forehead on mine. "It's ok." I smile before prying his hands off me. "Welp, I better get going." I say, rubbing the back of my neck as I realise the other members had been watching the whole ordeal.

"Want me to escort you as thanks?" Rogue asks hopefully. "No no." I say too quickly making him cast his eyes down. "I have these baby's." Opening my black wings I take off into the sky laughing like a child.  "Byee." I shout as I fly away

(Then you get hit by a plane. R.I.P Reader. The end haha)

Feeling the air rush between my feathers I twirl through the air, reaching my desired destination swiftly. Folding my wings away, I brush myself off before pushing the doors open. I reveal to all the world behind me:

A Natsu on the floor with Lucy squashing him, Gray being pinned down by Erza with him in a pin down, Juvia clutching her armour and crying at her to stop. Happy flying round screaming, "Code red, code red. Team Natsu down." With Gajeel in a headlock, Mel on top of his back.

"What is going on?" I question, everyone's gaze landing on me. "Y/N!" Natsu shouts, shoving Lucy backwards, causing her to topple with her legs in the air. Sprinting towards me he's about to hug me when Erza is suddenly in front of me, delivering a swift jab to his stomach, knocking the wind out of him.

"Nobody hugs my best friend before me!" She growls before turning round and crushing me in a hug, Mel joining in with her. "Ha Flame Brain." Gray snickers, walking over to give me a hug before Natsu.

"No you don't snowman!" Natsu yells, grabbing his boots making him fall over and getting up himself. They begin to squabble again. "Why are you hugging me? I've only been gone 7 hours." I ask, Erza looking at me in the eye. "Well, I was worried you were still at Eclipse's place and mourning." Erza put in awkwardly.

"No no." I force a smile before walking over to the two squabbling males, squatting down and putting my arm between them. "Stop." I order angrily. "Your bickering is hurting my head." They both look at me before Gray pulls me into a hug without warning and Natsu roars at him, yanking me his way.

"GUYS STOP." I say loudly, being pulled like a rag doll. This used to happen when we were younger but now it's just EXTREMELY annoying. "Mine." I hear Natsu's child voice shouting. "No mine!" I hear Gray's. Collapsing to my knees I look down at the floor. I'm not special and don't like all this attention, why can't they leave me alone? "So that's it huh? I'm just some toy to you guys that you won't share?" I ask quietly, they still don't hear me but Lucy, Mel and Erza do.

Nows a good chance to blast away all my feelings, over something stupid.

"I'm done." Blasting them away with my rage I walk out angrily. "Make up before I force you to kiss and make Gratsu happen!" I scream, slamming the doors behind me.

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