~Chapter 18~

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Your POV:

So, Fairy Tail was disbanded...

Not that I could comment on it, I technically had left too but everyone seemed so disjointed.

With the memories rushing in and people slowly coming back to themselves, it was hard not to well up with tears.

"MELODY." I crushed her in another hug. Gosh she was so grown up now... What would Eclipse think? NO! No... No time to think like that Y/n.

Gathering around, everyone looked partially sheepish. Gajeel and Levy were part of the council...

Natsu was being chewed out by Lucy for disappearing for so long again.

Erza was just crying and hugging everyone.

It was a happy, wholesome mess.

"Drinks?" I heard Juvia speak and turned with a nod. "If everyone else is up for it..."

A cheer resounded across the crowd. They hadn't changed a bit.

"Let's get out of this mess." Lucy led Natsu and Happy away, Wendy following suit.

~Getting drinks and I will now divert off story~

"So did you hear about the medallion poachers then? They keep it in the North Kingdom, past the Capitol." Gajeel spoke to me between the gulps of his beer.

I fiddled with my hands under the table, uncomfortable as Melody nudged me to answer.

"I have. I have been trying to hunt them down." I admit, Levy gasping. "No no, Y/n. Bad idea. They're stronger than you know."

Grumbling, Gray, who is drunk, slams his cup down. "Y/n could so take them! It'd be like BAM BAM POW! Dead." He'd flop against the table 'dead'.

"What're the Medallions for?" Our conversation had piqued Lucy's interest, who was sat with Cana.

"Heaven knows." I speak, outlining the rim of my cup.

I lied. I did know. Gosh I knew all too well... but it would be too much for these people, for my family.

"Something to do with being granted everlasting power and immortality blah blah blah." Natsu spoke up, grinning while Happy ate his fish.

I perked up at that. "And how're you so certain all intelligent one?" Teasing was going to be my secret way of getting this information out of him.

"I heard people talking! Well... two boys and one girl. I was in a tree... uh.. stuck... kinda. And they were walking below. There's 4 right? Medallions?" He gave no new information apart from the fact he had been stuck in a tree.

Erza glomped me on the head. "And why is this conversation so boring?" she was extremely drunk. "And where's Mira?"

Aggressively.... very drunk.

"Ok Erzy I think it's bed time." I put on my baby voice and she immediately turned. "Bed time story?" she'd ask and I groaned. "That was one time."

"It is getting fairly late." Laxus spoke from beside Mira, who had chosen now to pop up.

"I don't mind getting her home..." It gave me time to think. I could just fly her home and do more research on these Medallions.

Levy stood and shook her head. "Oh no you don't Y/n!" I was halfway dragging Erza out, my eyes twinkling.

"What? What did I say?" I pout, kicking at the double doors to keep them open.

"You've got that cheeky 'I have another motive' face on you! What're you planning?" The blue haired girl asked

"ME? Oh no nooo... i don't have a face like that." I go sheepish and look around, all coy.

"Yea you do!" She'd accuse

"Nuh uh!"

"Yuh huh!"


"Liar liar pants on fire!" Levy finishes

"Did somebody say fire! I can start a fire!" Natsu peaked up from the floor, having fallen on his face and... WHOOSH.

We were never invited to that bar again... mainly because after Natsu spoke it became ash.. and rubble and yeh... nothing.

Dragging Erza along the street, I groan. "How much further...!" she'd complain, like she was the one doing work.

"Well I don't know! And I need to find a place too-"

A shadow whooshes past me, silent but I catch them in the lamp light.

Luckily, the place we stopped at was apparently Erza's, as she let herself in and closed the door, too drunk to even say goodbye as I heard her stumble up the wooden stairs.

Peaking down the alleyway this shadow went, I frown.


Perfect perfect perfect.

Would I let my curiosity get the better of me?

'*No Y/n this is how every horror movie character dies! Go home and have a hot chocolate!*' One voice tells me

'*What if it's a monster about to attack poor helpless Erzy in her sleep... you better go check.*' another whispers

Not helpful. Whining, I decide on old faithful...


Nothing, nothing at all.

Humming, my eyes drop to the floor. Hm. Interesting.

I start my journey home, the wind giving me goosebumps.

Whoever the shadow was earlier, I don't feel their presence anymore.

It was a familiar presence though, but not one shrouded in familiarity like Rogue or Gajeel.

More unsettling and threatening.

Getting back to my home, I groan and pull open the wooden door, closing it with my body weight and leaning against it with a huff.

Lord... today drained me.

Getting into my comfy bed with my pyjamas now on, I snuggle down and sigh.

Tomorrow, regardless of if Levy and Gajeel and Pantherlily try to stop me... I would go find at least one Medallion.

~ The next day~

I had to sneak out. Pulling on a tank top with shorts, leg warmers and my comfy ankle boots, I put together a bag.

Yes. Being around family was fun, but it was more fun when I knew they were safe.

Stepping out into the early morning air.

Ew why did I wake up this early.

The breeze hits me like a slap in the face. Cold air on a tired body, not nice.

I take off in a jog toward the forest. Natsu must've seen them recently, last I had seen that trio they seemed pretty clueless...

You see. I know them. I was 'raised' with them. Same cage, same traumas... same everything.

Except... they didn't turn out like me.

They didn't have duality of Light and Dark angel.

Pascal didn't visit them.

They were visited by Lucifer himself.. and he promised them everything if once they got out, they helped him.

I was scared this was it. The medallions all being found to support this vivid memory I had as a child.

Now where would they be...?

A/n: Indeed I returned. I cannot remember a lot of this plot I had in mind, I'm going off year old notes so I apologise.

I hope you have all been well <3 Much love

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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