~Chapter 12~

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Natsu's POV:
"Cmon Happy! I want to make a good entrance and can't if your holding us behind buddy." I'd say, walking quickly towards the Grand Magic Games stadium. "Aye Sir!" Happy would grin flying next to me. The winners were just being announced, perfect timing.

"I CHALLENGE THEM!" I had to shout to get everyone's attention, walking into the arena and setting everything ablaze. I can't wait to find Y/n and show her all my new found strength, heck I may even give her a run for her money. That's when.. hehe.. I realised I had gone slightly overboard as Lucy would've said. Everything was melting. People were running away and man I thought I would get a decent fight.

"LUCY!" Happy would say happily hugging a blonde girl who's clothes were barely holding together with the heat. "Hey Lucy! Long time no see!" I'd smile at her. She looked surprised, happy even to see me. "Natsu!" She'd cheer as the guy from Sorcerer Weekly was chanting 'cool' in the background.

~time skip~

Lucy told us all about it, how the guild disbanded and we weren't there along with Masters disappearance. When we were back at her apartment in Crocus something was up. I noticed when Happy and I went to draw on Lucy's face a map. It had everyone's location on from the guild, everyone but Y/n. This shocked me, Y/n and her were good friends and family of all things.

Happy told me to 'confront' Lucy about it the next day.

"Hey Luce." I mumble biting into my breakfast quickly whilst she had yogurt. "You haven't got Y/n on your board." I'd say and she looked at me confused. "Y/n? You know the angel slayer who was enslaved for 3 years?" I try to jog her memory, it has been a year after all.

"Natsu what are you going on about now? Who the hell is Y/n?" She'd ask, putting a spoonful of her breakfast in her mouth. "Y/N! Here Happy show her the picture!" I'd say as my companion got his green backpack around and brought out a picture of all of us. "W-we took that? Well I-i'm sorry Natsu but she must've been a quiet member of the guild because I never met her, I can't even remember seeing her." Lucy would say looking a bit hurt

"No! She-you must be kidding me Luce. She- she helped save your spirits, she tried to save you when the Dragons came." I'd list almost getting angry. "N-I am sorry but I really don't remember!" Lucy would whine standing up. "We're going to find the rest of the guild, right now." I mutter standing up as the army came and running.

Your POV:
What happened was pretty basic. No hero saving from my family, no nakama and none of my friends came. I was alone for 11 and a half months of day to day round the clock torture. Mostly from Komito, he scared me so much I remember I could barely even look in his direction. I had an unhealthy reliance on Jay. He was the only one of the three who actually treat me like a human being. Feeding me, talking to me, tending to my wounds, it made me wonder how bad he actually was.

Ruin just laughed, he laughed at my pain, my sorrow, my tears, my wounds and my lack of strength. I had a magic restrainer on 24/7. I thought I was going to die with how much blood i was losing, but whenever that threat came Ruin gave me more, because my body was like a pure blood farm. It went on and on, when I thought i was going to die i was always relieved; but i'd always wake up in the same cell.

That was till my saviours came, they called it a favour and I called it kindness. Crime Sorcier. They came when Blood Dagger had gone on a large mission with only very few members kept around to guard me, including Komito and Ruin. Jay had gone on the quest. They killed them all because in Erik's words, they never wanted to atone for their sins. Meredy the girl who I brushed paths with in Tenrou was there with them. Probably my most comforting person along with Erik. They were the only two I truly trusted.

So, I joined them on their quest to vanquish evil. Small jobs here and there. Large ones usually takes up majority of our time. I heard my old guild disbanded, which for me was heart wrenching. I still bare their mark. The mark of my family. I was so confused as to why they never even attempted to save me. I was always there for them but as soon as they were needed. They vanished. It stung.

Sabertooth tried. But then again, only around 7-10 of them are powerful. No offence but that was nothing against 75 members of blood dagger. Crime sorcier were my only successful rescuers. But it didn't matter to Blood Dagger, they had enough blood to make themselves immortal, or at least create a weapon strong enough to defeat my old guild in one hit.

"Y/n~chan! Come and pick some berries with Sorano and I!" Meredy would giggle as I turned to her from looking onto the sea. "Coming!" I laugh running towards them. My scars and bruises hidden by my cloak. Erik always said I made a very, almost too fast, recovery from that place. Not that it matters anymore, their guild is smithereens. Grabbing the basket off Meredy, Sorano would grin at me before her eyes narrowed. "Compete!" She'd laugh picking as many berries as she could. "Aw you're on!"


"You're still worrying about that place huh?" Erik would appear next to me as I kept watch up a tree, it was now the middle of the night. "Of course." I sigh, spinning an angel sphere round in my hand. "You're worrying more about the fact your family didn't come hm?" I nod, his mind reading habit not annoying me anymore like it used to. "Maybe something came up?" He'd offer an idea, taking a proper seat next to me.

"Enough to leave a family member behind?" An~ Yeh Fairy Tail, ever listen to Stitch explaining all that 'Ohana' stuff?! I ask eyeing him from the side. "I-I can't say, sorry N/n." He put his white coat around me as the wind blew on. "You have us now though." He'd tease. "So whilst they're off chasing Fairies to see if they have tails you're being a super hero." He'd say punching the sky in front of us. "Ahah shut up dweeb." I giggle as a star shoots across the sky.

"You-you didn't talk to me before this, why now?" I ask looking at him as I leaned against the trunk of the tree, we were sitting on a high branch. "Because-because you get me. You had the same past, same problems and same fears as me. A-and i figured that means we should watch each others backs dork." He'd smirk bopping my nose. "Yeh but you were bad for a bit a-"
"THAT WAS A PHASE! Don't remind me of my shadow days." He'd almost chuckle mockingly as he smiled, I'd laugh too.

"There's that smile. Now off you go L/n, my duty and keep the coat."

Natsu's POV:
"I-I don't understand." I say to everyone I have now gathered. "Y - / - N!" I say slowly and loudly as Erza shrugged and Gajeel looked at me concerned. "Salamander you melted your brain out there."

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