~ Chapter 15 ~

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Your POV:

"I just don't think it's true." I mutter as I kick a stone and it bounces off Natsu's leg, making him scowl at me. "Gray wouldn't randomly join a dark guild he's too..."

"Cool headed?"

"Yeh! Thanks Happy." I grin at the blue cat who finished my sentence as we make our way back out of the village who is no longer covered in rain, and into a forest.

"You never know what could've happened in the eleven months you were gone Y/n." Lucy says, pushing the map back into her pink backpack and making me frown.

Yes. Because I was imprisoned and you all forgot about me.

"What does it matter? My Darling Gray must be suffering in such a terrible place." Juvia sighs out making me look at her oddly. "He left to go to them?"

Walking out of the forest, my stomach rumbles and I groan. "Guys! Food break?" I mumble as I look to Natsu and Lucy. Wendy, again, being on my shoulders. "Sure!" Natsu sits down, opening his large backpack.

"I swear you and Natsu are always hungry." Lucy chuckles, handing me a bag of food. "Duh. I'm a growing, active part of this world." I throw a twig at her head before eating, the sky gathering round us in different colours. Pink, Yellow, Red and Orange.

I was handing food up to Wendy, who regardless of me being sat down, was still on my shoulders. "Y/n? Want me to take Wendy for a bit?" Natsu offers, Wendy going red. "I can walk myself I guess... it's ok." She smiles as she takes an apple slice off me and climbs down. I smile  at her with gratitude before standing, stretching my arms to yawn and looking around.

That was, until I heard rustling. "Guys." Carla says and we all get into a huddle as it becomes closer.

And closer.

And closer....

"HYAH!" I jump forward, adrenaline surging before chopping the ground just in front of a small, grey bunny. "Oh! Awwww." I smile gushing at it and kneeling down.

"It's so cute and fluffy and it will be mine. I will call it. BUGS." I gush, Lucy sweat dropping.

Suddenly, it stands on its hind legs, it's jaw opening wide and it ROARS. Teeth sharp like knives as it grows in size. Wendy and Juvia scream as it jumps over me and snaps it jaws at where they had once been. "OI!" I shout, standing and brushing myself off.

I pick a leaf out of my hair.

Jumping on its back it growls, looking at me before going round and round, jumping, in circles to try and get me off. "YEEHAW!" I laugh as Natsu lurches forward, punching it in the face.

And also burning the rest of the forest in a 400m radius.

It whimpers before rearing up and hopping away. "BYE BUGS!" I giggle and then we look around. Dark guild members.

"Oh gee." I frown as Natsu and I turn to see they already have Wendy, Juvia and Lucy, along with both Exceeds. "You didn't see them Y/n?" Natsu asks, his back pressed against mine.

"Nope." I sigh as we get in a fighting stance. That was until Gray stepped forward, his eyes on Natsu. "Ah Natsu. Long time no see. You'll make a great asset to our guild. Oh and who's- traitor." My eyebrow twitches at his comment.

"Ooh I'll show you you little SNOWCONE." I growl and he chuckles. "Like hell you will."


"Come with us before things get messy." A girl appears next to him, hugging Gray's shoulders much to Juvia's dismay. I say shoulders, because there's four of her. No word of a lie.

"No." I say standing and looking at them. "Snap out of it Gray." Natsu adds in, his hand already lit on fire. "Friends of yours Gray?" One of the four girls walks her hand up his chest slowly.

Ew. Calm down please.

Time and place.

"Not a chance." Gray smiles looking down at her before punching the floor, it becoming ice. "Shoot." I fly up quickly, holding Natsu and he looks up at me, trying to shoot me with ice arrows.

Elsa needs to stop trying to be Merida.

Placing Natsu down in a tree, that was miraculously still standing I smile. "Stay." I order, knowing he would for maybe a second if I was lucky.

The wind catches my feathers as I fly towards Gray, flipping in the air out the way of a punch before poking his head with my pointy finger. That should make him remember me.

He stumbles, his eyes no longer as clouded as they had been before a chunk of ice hits me in the back.

What the fudge.

I roll on the floor, flicking dust and ashes up before straightening myself and frowning. That should've worked. But then I look closer.

He could've hit me harder.

This, I'm just guessing here, could be an act. But how would I... go through to find out.

"I give up. You... hit my back? I'm weakening! How did you know ice was my weakness!" I roll on the floor shouting as everyone, including Natsu who had somehow been caught, looked to me confused.

"IT BURNS! Is that the light of heaven I see?" I reach up before 'fainting.'

"Wasn't strong at all was she Gray?" I hear the girls from earlier giggle and I have a really hard time staying down and not getting up and being like 'Surprise BISH.'

"Ice is her weakness. I knew all along." Gray says, obviously close to me now before I feel him pick me up. I know it's him, because his cross necklace gently brushes my face and it smells like him too.

"We should get going. Master will be pleased with our findings!" The girls smiles can be heard in their words as I begin to sway with movement as we begin the trek to wherever.

His arms squeeze me before I hear. "Thanks Y/n." While being carried in an extremely high bridal style as he talks. "Knew you'd figure it out." I manage a quiet and small laugh as we keep moving.

I peek out of one eye. He let everyone else get out of ear shot before speaking. "When I returned, after being teleported. I was devastated you were gone." He carries on quietly. "I'm glad you're ok." I smile before looking at him.

"Always knew you were sentimental." I whisper back and he rolls his eyes. "What're you doing here Frosted Flake?" I ask and he looks forward so it comes across like we aren't talking.

"Erza put me on a mission here, to exploit and stop what they are doing."

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