Chapter Twenty One

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"True love knows no boundaries."

Chapter Twenty One ~ Sexual content ahead

Song for this chapter: Adore ~ Cashmere Cat & Ariana Grande

Audrey's POV

"We have reached Paris, France. We will arrive in about fifteen minutes."

When our plane passes below the clouds, I look over Harry's shoulder and watch the lights of Paris shine through the sky as we descend.

The Eiffel Tower, Arc De Triomphe, The lock bridge. Everything I've dreamed of seeing comes into view.

I gasp and lean into my boyfriend, smiling as wide as my mouth can move. "This is spectacular."

"Love, we haven't even gotten off the plane yet."

I laugh in response. "I know, I'm just so excited to be here."

The flight attendant walks by and picks up our champagne glasses and cleans up. I smile and thank her, feeling pampered.

"We are now landing at our destination, please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for landing."

The plane shakes and rattles down the lane, I try not to let the popping sound in my ears get to me.

The flight attendants help us all off safely, before a crowd can notice us. We move through the building past baggage claim and to our cars, apparently someone's was handling our bags.

I see a crowd forming and following us. We all pile into our separate cars safely, which is great.

"See you at the hotel." Zoe says, kissing my cheek.

I nod and get in, Harry closing the door behind us. Our car speeds down the road, the lights off the monuments illuminating the sky. It's still light out, around five o'clock.

We pass by museums and many buildings. When we stop at a stoplight I see a couple holding hands, smiling. The guy leans in and kisses his girl, pulling away and both grinning happily.

"Welcome to the city of love my darling." Harry whispers in my ear.

I start to giggle. "You mean the city of lights."

"That too."

The cars pull up on a small street, which leads to a rather large hotel at the end of it. There's a crowd of girls waiting in front, screaming when the boys come into their eye view.

"Bonjour, bienvenue sur Le Cinq Codet."

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