Chapter Four

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"Even if it were possible, I wouldn't unlove you."

Zoe's POV

"I hate you," I grumbled, folding my arms over my chest.

"No you don't," Audrey replied cheekily.

I grumbled and pushed myself off of the couch. "I actually have to go put on people clothes. I hate anyone who makes me do that."

Audrey laughs and dismisses me with a wave of her hand. "Go. I won fair and square."

"At a coin toss. You had a fifty fifty chance."

Audrey just rolls her eyes at me. I huff and stomp over to my bedroom. After changing out of my comfy 'you're lucky I'm wearing a bra' outfit and into a pair of skinny jeans and a button up shirt, I throw my hair up in a bun and quickly put on some makeup. You just never know who you're going to meet.

I grab my wallet and put on my favourite pair of TOMS. "I'm leaving!"

"Good riddance," Audrey calls over her shoulder.

I make my way over to the lift without looking up from my phone. Hearing the bell ding I step in and of course I just happen to bump into someone.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" I quickly say.

"It's fine. I'm not injured." A knee weakening voice says.

My heart rate accelerates expeditiously at the sound of his voice.

"Oh, hey Lou." I smile and stand next to him, trying as hard as I possibly can to not freak out.

"Hey, Zo!" He beams back. "Where are you going this fine evening?"

"To get take-out. I lost the coin toss."

"Me too! Well, I volunteered but still." He tells me as the lift stops on the ground floor.

I smile at him and step out of the small space, desperately needing to get away from his intoxicating aroma. "What do you recommend?"

Louis thinks for a bit before his face lights up. "Follow me!"

He grabs my hand and practically drags me out of the building. A cold wind brushes across my exposed arms, causing me to shiver violently. I am not used to cold weather. I knew I should've brought a jacket but I just had to be a blonde and think it wasn't going to be cold. Lies, it's all lies.

"Here," Louis says, draping his jacket around my shoulders.

"Aren't you going to get cold?" I ask, instantly burrowing myself into the warm article of clothing.

"Nope, I'm immune to the cold." He winks at me.

My heart flutters and I try to suppress a blush from decorating my cheeks. "So, if you went to Antarctica you'd go in shorts and a t-shirt?"

"Yes I would." He smiles at me and leads me into a Chinese restaurant. "I am Superman after all."

"Okay, whatever you say Clark Kent." I pat him on the top of his head and walk up to the counter.

I place my order and am about to pay when Louis rambles off his order-which, mind you, was enough food to feed an army-effectively making the total three times the amount it originally was.

"I got this." Louis says and hands over his card.

"I'll pay you back." I tell him and grab out a twenty pound note.

"Not necessary," he leads me over to one of the many empty tables and sits down across from me. "I can be a gentleman at times."

I scoff and roll my eyes. "Yeah, probably when you're trying to get something in return."

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