Chapter Fifteen

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“Some fall into love, some crash into it.”

Chapter Fifteen

I smile as Harry’s hand intertwines with my own. “You really surprised me.”

“That was the idea.” I laugh in reply.

We push through the busy crowd of people, which I’m not used to for some reason. I should be used to crowds since I live in London, but I’m not. I gasp when I’m pushed backwards by a pedestrian.

“Watch where you’re goin’ eh?” The man yells and I stand up and start walking towards him.

Suddenly, Harry’s strong arms are wrapped around my waist, pulling me into his chest. “You haven’t been here before?” He questions.

I shake my head. “No, I haven’t left California besides traveling to London. Well, if you count Arizona for a family reunion.” I laugh, ashamed that I’m travel clueless.

Harry and I start walking again. “Is there somewhere you want to go? I can take you anywhere you’d like-”

“No, Harry. I can’t let you do that. You’ve done enough for me. I can’t let you, I won’t let you do that.”

He spins me around so I’m in his arms again. “I want to though. You’re my girlfriend, let me spoil you.”

I laugh and smile. “There are many other ways you can spoil me. Besides, taking me on a trip would be way too much. You’re so busy touring, I can’t interfere.”

“I might not be able to be with you everyday, but when I’m on my breaks I want to spend it with you. I’m not going to let our relationship crack just because I’m touring.”

I reach up and grab his face. “I know, you’re very sweet for caring about me.”

I kiss his lips. “I’m just lucky I have you. I couldn’t ask for anyone better.”

Harry grins down at me, and my insides just about melt. “Oh, but if I could go anywhere in the world, it would be Paris.”

“Paris? Okay, I’ll remember that.” He smiles.

I smile right back, carrying on down the street and pulling him with me. “So, where are we going exactly?”

“Anywhere you want.” He answers, squeezing palm tighter.

“I honestly don’t know where to go. I should’ve checked before we got here.” I huff, taking in the cold air.

“Don’t worry. I already made reservations for dinner. I figured we could just shop around after that, or go back to the hotel.”

I turn to him. “Why do you have to be so damn charming?”

“It’s a gift.” He answers, leading me inside the doors of ‘La Mirabelle’.

Once we’re in the room, I instantly feel warm and comfortable.

“Bonjour.” The host looks up from his podium.

“This place is way too fancy, I don’t even look appropriate.” I whisper, pulling on Harry’s coat sleeve.

“You look fine, they don’t have a specific dress code just as long as you're not in sweats.” I look down at my jeans and ballet flats. I pull my coat closer to my chest, feeling embarrassed.

“J'ai une réservation pour Styles.” Harry says to the man, I stand there confused. I don’t know that much french.

“Right this way.” The man pronunciates in english and takes us to our table in the very back of the restaurant.

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