Chapter Thirteen

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"Him. His smile. His eyes. His voice. His laugh. His warmth. His existence. Him."

Chapter 13

•Warning: Adult content ahead•

Stepping out of the busy restaurant, I wrinkle my face up. I'm shocked it took us two hours to eat dinner.

"It's dark out," Harry says, reading my mind

I laugh and place my hand in his, walking back towards the flat complex.The night sky casts a dark glow above us, the stars twinkling. I look up and take a breath, not coming to reality until a kiss is placed on my cheek.

"What's wrong?" I look up at Harry, not aware of what he's planning

"Nothing. You're just so breathtaking." He bites his lip, looking me up and down

I giggle, pushing his chest away from mine. "Stop it. I know you're lying."

"Not at all. Why would I lie?" I close my eyes, taking a second to think about what he just said.

I smile, pulling his wrist, causing his body to get close to my own.

"Why did you choose me? I mean, there are a million other girls chasing after you. I'm not the prettiest girl around..." I trail off

"You are the prettiest girl to me." Harry smiles, his dimples on full display

People curse at us standing in the middle of the busy street. I eye one couple, totally ruining the moment.

"Audrey. You are so pretty. There's so much I love about you, it's endless."

I bite my lip, waiting for him to continue his sentence.

"You're personality. You're smile. You're body. You're laugh. Everything about you is attractive."

I smile, my cheeks turning a light shade of red."Really?" I look foreword, not even noticing we're right next to the flat building.

Harry takes a step closer to me. Closing any distance we had. "Really." He licks his lips, placing them on mine

Our simple kiss turns heated quickly, his hands latching onto my waist. Mine automatically running them through his hair.

I gasp when he pulls away, leaning down to kiss my neck, leaving a mark.

I bite my lip, containing any noise that could possibly be coming out of my mouth.

"Let's get inside." I gasp as I watch him pull away slightly.

We step inside the flat complex, practically running to the elevator. I push the level eighteen button, turning to him.

The elevator opens, then a couple appears. Harry pulls me against him, our hips touching. It takes all the strength in me not to rip his shirt off right then and there.

The elevator stops, signaling level eighteen. The doors open, Harry and I walking down the hall slowly. I open the door and we step inside, making sure the door is locked.

I turn to him, running and jumping into his arms, our lips attaching again. I wrap my legs around his waist, feeling him walk towards the couch. He places me on the top of it, running his hand up my thigh.

I start to unbutton his shirt, his eyes capture mine. I melt inside as his green orbs darken slightly. I push his shirt off his shoulders, admiring the many tattoos that run along his body. He groans as he reaches for the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head.

He picks me up, his hand running up my back, reaching for the clasp of my bra. I whimper and push my chest against his, earning a groan from him. I kiss him again as Harry leads me to my bed, placing me gently on the sheets.

I pull my jeans down my body, kicking off my shoes. Harry does the same, leaving us only in our undergarments. Within seconds he's hovering over me.

"You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." Harry smiles at me, his eyes softening

I bite my lip, responding."I think I could say the same about you."

I push the curls in front of his face, smiling. He returns the smile, kissing me. He starts to slow his movements, which in no way am I complaining.

Harry's lips attach to my jawline, moving downward. He kisses above my chest, down to my stomach.

My arms attach to his hair, moaning and whimpering above him.

Harry's full lips stop moving. I groan, clearly frustrated with all the teasing.

Harry moves back up my body, his face meeting mine. I move up and attach my lips to his. His hips sink info mine, moving foreword slightly. I grab his biceps, arching my back up to him. Harry groans, biting his lip watching my every move. I open my eyes, looking at the god above me.

"You get me so worked up." I moan, moving my body around.

He laughs slightly, causing my stomach to flip."You don't know how long I've wanted to do this." Harry pants, eyeing my body up and down.

I take a leap of faith, turning him on his side, straddling his waist. I kiss him, running my hands along every feature of his body. Neck, shoulders, chest, abs, his v line. I run my hands up his back, into his hair again. I kiss him, pulling his bottom lip between my teeth, earning a low groan from him.

I look at his features. His hair slightly messy from my cobstant tugs and pulls. His eyes shut tightly, mouth agape. His chest heaving up and down, compelled by the effect I have on him.

"Babe, stop teasing." Harry breathes out, grabbing my hips in his large hands, turning us over once again.

Harry hovers above me. Both of us panting and gasping for air.

I love it. The feel of his body against mine. The want we both know needs to be resolved. Just being with him is perfect, he's perfect.

"Ready?" He asks

"More than anything."


My phone rings, stopping the best part of my dream from coming true. I groan, turning over to see who ruined the moment.

"Hello?" I growl, more frustrated then ever.

"Audrey, you're gonna be late. Our shift starts in a half an hour." Jordan says, clearly concerned

"Crap, sorry. I got... distracted." I jump out of bed, running to my closet, grabbing anything I could find in a hurry.

"Okay. Please hurry." He gasps

"I'll try." I breathe out, pulling my jeans up my legs. I hang up, placing my phone down

I pull my boots on, along with my shirt and jacket. I slam my door open, noticing Zoe gone.

"Great," I mutter to myself, reaching for my bag and opening the door, springing down the hall.

My phone beeps, signaling a text. I instantly smile when I see it's from Harry.

Hope you're doing good at you're job babe! I can't wait to see you in a few weeks! I'm counting down the days xx

I smile, replying a sweet answer as my mind thinks about the dream. This is going to be a long day...

A/N: So, now it was Audrey's turn for a steamy dream. What'd you think? I apologize, I was having many feels while writing this. Ugh, the things he does to me. Sorry, I'm posting it on my phone, so the italics didn't work. I'll fix it later. I have school in a few hours, but stayed up late to finish it. Hope it was worth it. I'm gonna go sleep now, maybe I'll dream good dreams haha. I hope you enjoyed, vote and comment letting me know how I did. Maybe they'll be a chapter like this coming up soon... Idk...

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