Chapter Fourteen

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“One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.”

Chapter Fourteen

Zoe's POV

      The weekend passed in the blink of an eye and my appointment was approaching. The closer the date got the more anxious I got. I began doubting my decision.

"Stop worrying," Audrey assured me, "I'm sure Louis will love it!"

I wasn't so sure, especially the morning I walked into the hair salon.

"Zoe! Ça va? How are you?" Jack, my french hair stylist, greeted me with a huge grin. "Are you ready to begin the, how you say, transformation?"

I nodded, I remembered that this was my life, my choices, and that I need a clean slate and a new outlook.

"Oui? Well, lets begin."

Later that day I walked out of the salon with a new found confidence and a more positive attitude.

I walked into the apartment and headed to the nearest mirror.

I was shocked to see my new brown hair. It flowed down just passed my shoulders and seemed to fit me perfectly. I heard the front door slam.

"Zoe, I got some exciting news!" Audrey said.

I grinned and said, "Me too." I stepped out of the bathroom and watched Audreys jaw drop.

"Zoe!" Audrey screamed as she ran over to me. "I love it!" Audrey hugged me and pulled apart to continue, "I also know Louis will too." I smiled, "Thanks."

Suddenly Audreys face changed. "Did you tell him that you were doing this?"

"No," I shifted uncomfortably, "it's more of a, uhm, surprise."

Audrey had a sly grin. "Well he'll be really surprised when he sees you at the airport like that."

The word airport hit me like a rock. "Airport?"

Audrey nodded. "We are meeting them on their day off in New York!"

I gasped. "New York??" Audrey nodded and we screamed in joy.

I stopped, "We better pack!"

We hustled off to our rooms and began planning our outfits.

We boarded the plane later that day, knowing the flight would last 7 hours at the least we took some sleeping pills. The first class seats were comfy and it was easy to fall asleep thinking about Louis. My thoughts drifted to one of my previous dreams, "Maybe we can make that dream a reality.." I thought as I slipped into a sound sleep.

*beep* I was suddenly woken up out of my deep slumber.

This is your captain speaking, we will be landing in new York City shortly. The current time is 7 pm and it is 67 degrees out.

My eyes fluttered open, suddenly aware of the situation I stretched.

"Audrey," I whispered. "Audrey!"

"Huh?" She answered half asleep. She was slowly faltering in consciousness. "Audrey!" I quietly yelled. "We're landing in a few!"

That seemed to snap her out of her trance because she was now wide awake and fixing her hair.

"How do I look?" She asked.

"Jeez Audrey, you always look good." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I know that, but right now I want to look great when I see Harry!"

The sudden realization of seeing Louis with my new hair hit me.

"Oh god."

Audrey seemed to recognize my doubts and assured me, " I mean, like you don't even need to worry. Your hair is like, wow. Louis will love it!"

I felt a little better and focused on just brushing it.

*beep* The seat belt buckle sign lit up. I started to breath fast. I wasn't so excited to see his reaction.

What if he hates it?

What if he leaves me?

"I couldn't handle it." I thought out loud.

"Handle what?" Audrey asked. I ignored her and kept thinking. I remembered that the reason I got this hairdo was to start over. To get a new perspective.

Okay, new perspective.

What if he loves it?

My mind immediately thought of my wish of "making that dream a reality" and my face flushed.

I felt the plane bump against the ground.

*beep* This is your captain speeking, please stay buckled until the plane has come to a complete stop.

Suddenly a womens voice came on thanking us for chosing this flight or whatever. I was too busy thinking about Louis loving my new hair.

We got off the plane quickly and headed to the baggage claim to grab our luggages. It wasn't hard considering our bags were brightly colored.

"Guess who?" I heard a familiar voice say. I glanced over to see Harry behind Audrey covering her eyes smiling.

"Harry..? Harry!" Audrey screamed. I saw Louis walk up to her and ask where I was. Audrey shifted so I walked up and said, " Hey Lou."

I stared at the ground. I screamed internally as each second passed that he didn't say anything.

"Oh Zoe.." I heard Louis say. I felt like crying.

"I love it." He finished.

"You do?" I asked.

"Of course baby."

I hugged him and giggled. I wondered why I even doubted him.

"Hey, we are going to take off and spend the rest of the night together." Harry said gesturing to Audrey. She smiled.

"Okay, me and Zoe will find something to keep us busy," Louis winked at me as he said busy.

Oh god.

"See ya mate," Harry said as he and Audrey walked off.

Louis eyed me, "So.. New hair?"

I smiled and said "New outlook on life."

"Hmm, so trying new things?

"Yes. I'm trying not to say no to anything."

"Anything?" Louis seemed surprised.

"Why? Think I can't?"

"No, no. Lets head to my room and see how much you'll say yes to."

A/N : 

Hello! This is codename_stiles here! I will be filling in as the character Zoe. I’m new at writing (especially on wattpad) and I will be grateful to hear some feedback on my writing technique.

Thanks for reading :D 

Hope you enjoy me as your new writer

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