Chapter Five

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" I want a man who promises me nothing but tries to give me everything."

Audrey's POV

All of a sudden, I hear two voices coming from the kitchen and I open my eyes and I look around to see that Louis and Zoe are gone. I shift slightly until I notice two arms are wrapped around me

I look up at Harry, who was sleeping soundly behind me. I smile, wondering how we ended up like this. I hear someone clear their throat and groan, I turn my gaze towards Zayn who gives me an annoyed look

"Did they wake you up too?" He asks, getting up off the floor and making his way towards the kitchen

"Yeah, sort of." I whisper, still trying to wake up

"I'll go check and see what's going on in there," Zayn laughs slightly and enters the kitchen, leaving me with three sleeping boys

I decide on just laying back down and try to go back to sleep. I hear Harry groan slightly and his arms latch tighter on my body as he pulls the blanket closer to us both. I smile and snuggle against his chest, enjoying the feeling of another's company.

I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep until I hear whispering and the flash of a camera. Then I hear someone say something about twitter. Oh no...

Once the door slams closed, I feel Zayn tap me slightly, waking me up. I open my eyes and notice that he's looking down right at me

"Louis and Zoe just left." He wiggles his eyebrows at me

"Okay. That has to do with me how?" I ask, getting out of Harry's tight embrace

"Just thought you should know." Zayn shrugs and I laugh

"Your phone fell and I saw that you had a missed call and voicemail from someone." He hands me my phone and I squint at the bright home screen, seeing I had a missed call, text, and voicemail from my aunt. I hit the voicemail and listen carefully

Hi Audrey, it's aunt Molly. I'm going out to meet the girls for a drink or two. I.... um... I'll try to call you in a few hours. I'm sure you and Zoe are having fun getting take-out. Make sure to lock the doors, okay? Love you!

The line hangs up, and my mouth is open wide. "What happened?" Harry asks from behind me, rubbing his eyes

"I guess my aunt is going out. I don't think Zoe knows though..." I sigh as the four boys watch me closely

I think for a second and I know what happens to Zoe if she's alone...

"Oh my god. I have to go!" I jump up from the couch and I grab my bag and head for the door

"Wait... Why do you need to leave so soon?" Harry asks, running over to me, grabbing my wrist

"Zoe, just needs me. It's a long story. If you're wondering, ask Zoe. It's not my story to tell." I sigh, looking up at him

"I'll come with you then." He looks down at me with a slight smirk

"I'm sure she's fine Audrey. Louis is with her." Liam adds

I look at him. "You don't even know the half of it."

Liam looks at me questioningly. "She'll be fine."

"I have to go right now. Just let me go. I'll probably come right back." I say, looking at each and every one of them

I close the door and start down the hall until I hear a voice calling after me. "Audrey, it's late. You shouldn't be walking alone." Harry says once he catches up to me

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