Hide and Seek

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Nancy's POV:-

" Oh Togo, no, please. Not again, boy! " I exclaimed. I was enjoying a beautiful dream when my pet dog, Togo, licked my face, waking me up. He looked at me with  a sweet face, giving me the eyes that he knew I loved so much. " Fine!" I sighed as I stretched my arms and legs and yawned. It was 10 in the morning. Oh my! I have become such a sleepy head nowadays!

But what could I do? I had no new mysteries to solve, no adventure to peep into! My father liked it, though. " It's great to see you not being chased by any criminals, or you in any danger, and that, you are safe" was the typical Carson Drew remark anyone could hear. But I had different remarks, though.

I went out of my room, searching for the golden spaniel. His favourite game was to play hide and seek with me. I liked it, but it had only one teeny tiny problem-- that I was never allowed to hide!

I searched each and every room for the tiniest sound of the wagging of a tail. But it was nowhere to be heard. I felt exhausted after sometime and sat on the sofa in the dining room. As I let out a wide yawn, I heard a sound.... the wagging of a tail! It was comming from beneath the sofa. "Ha! Caught you b... " I was going to say, but Togo dashed out of the sofa and ran up the stairs! Aww man!

I ran behind him, and missed him by inches as he ran into my dad's room, while I went straight ahead and BANG! I tripped on the rug and lay flat on my stomach! I was rubbing my head when the telephone in my room rang. Togo came out from dad's room and threw me a sulking look. " Sorry, boy. I have to pick up the phone. " I said, hiding a giggle.

---" Hello? Nancy Drew speaking. "
---" Hi Nancy! I'm George. "
---" Oh Hi! What's up? "
---" I actually called you to tell something. I... "
---" What, has something been stolen? Is there a new mystery? Oh George! Pls tell fast! I can't wait! "
---" Calm down Nancy! There is no mystery. Why the hell do you need to find mystries in everything? Well, I called you to ask that are you free today evening? "
---" Umm... Yeah...? "
---" Good. So meet us at Blue Sea restaurant, you know where it is? "
---" Yeah. Beside your granny's house. But wait. Why do you mean by 'us?' "
---" Bess, Ned, Burt, Dave and myself. "
---" Woah. But- "
---" No more buts. See you! "
---" Okay then, see you! "

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