A New Clue To Solve

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" Ned, thanks a lot for the dinner. And thanks for accompanying me to the pub."  I said, hugging him. He smiled at me and said after giving a big yawn, "  Anytime. And by the way, your idea to visit the pub was excellent. G'night, Nan. " I smiled, " Thanks and good night. "

No sooner did I knock on our door than George opened it, "Nancy! We were so worried for you! Where the ruddy hell were you? What were you doing for so long? Where's Ned? " She asked, pulling me in a big hug. " Relax, George. We are both fine. I shall discuss about it tomorrow. Now, I'm extremely tired; I'm gonna sleep now. Haven't you slept yet? " I asked, looking at George. Wiping a tear, she smiled and said " Bess is asleep, but I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about you and Ned. Come on, lets sleep. Good night Nance."

The next morning, I woke up early. We had ordered our breakfast in our room itself and even the Hardys were comming in our room. After we all piled in our room , with cups of coffee in our hands, I said, " Okay, so we really had an excellent clue yesterday. But before I start, so any of you have anything special to say? " Frank nodded and answered, " We do have some. First of all, Advik worked in a play company in India before he died. He sent fir an application another company but that was refused. But, Ms. Rose had told George and Bess that Advik had been working in a company for more than a year. So that means..... " Before he could complete, I completed his sentence. " So that means either Ms. Rose was unaware qhwre Advik was working or Advik had lied to Ms. Rose about his working status or Ms. Rose had lied to you two. "The others nodded. " Now your turn. " George quipped. I looked at Ned, grinned and began.

" Yesterday, we cane across a quarrel in the restaurant. I hope you remember those two men, Bess and George who asked you to dance with them in the party? Well, they didn't seem like the sort of people who could quarrel, use slangs and become violent. So when those two showed these attributes yesterday, and when I went up to them acting as a police officer and mentioned the word druggists, tget fled. Out of complete suspicion, I asked Ned to follow them and you won't believe where they got...... A pub! " I stopped to grab some fresh air and looked at Ned. He understood at once and continued.

" We couldn't have gone inside the pub with the same outfit. So Nancy took out a  false moustache from her bag for me, she increased the volume of my eyebrows through her makeup, and asked me to open my coat inside which I wore a white shirt. But Nancy's was the most seeing like. She was wearing a crop top inside the frock she wore yesterday and carried a short pant in her bag, which she wore along with a cute wig. She wore spectacles and we both were so very unrecognisable...... "

" So after our disguise, we went inside the pub and sat as near as it was possible to the table where both of them sitting, so that it became easier for evasdropping. They were speaking in some sort of codes. I've written them down in my notebook. I'll show those after we have our breakfast. I think they must be another clue to solve this case. By the way, we have got three suspects till now. " George looked at me in a stunned expression. " Three? What about Mr. Maxwell? " I smiled at my dear friend. " Mr. Maxwell is innocent. I've had a talk with all the staffs in the resort and it turns out that he never stayed in one place for long; he was a traveller. I think for now we can exclude him from our list of suspects. "

After having our breakfast, I showed the others what I had written in my notebook. They were as follows:-
---" They we I. Has have had. Picture to paint. You flee him. Now soon later. "
---" And but yet. When why what. "
---" When what why. Cat if rat. They we I. Set get met. Ball caught he. "
---" When what why. She about him. Jasmine Rose Lily. Hen Cren Swen. "
---" Live leave leaf. They them theirs. Duo alone trio. "
---" Boy alright man. "
---" Teacher come her. Cat on fire. On let's meat. Ho Go No. "

"What's this rubbish? " Joee asked as soon as he finished reading it to everyone. I looked at others. They all had perlexed and disgusted looks on their faces. " I don't know. As I said, it MIGHT be a clue. Let's see to this later on. " Just then, Bess squeled in excitement. " What happened? " I asked. She looked at us and grinned.

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