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Joe's POV:-

"Frank, wake up, wake up, you sleepy head! WAKE UP! " My loud shouting made no effect on Frank. He simply dug his face deeper in the pillow. An idea came to me. I took my phone, placed it above his face, and played the buzzing song of a mosquito. As I had expected, he slapped his face hard and let out an "OUCH! " I sat with a THUMP on the bed, unable to control my laughter.

" You find it funny, do you? It's a sin that you are doing, disturbing others. " He said. I laughed even harder. " Sin? Disturbing? Do you know what the time is?  It's already 12 noon!"

He sighed and said, " Did you get any new notifications from ATAC? "  My face lit up. " Yes, that's what I came to tell. ATAC called me just now and said that they needed us to go to Los Angeles, California, US as many cases are comming that people are being drugged if they visit any party. You know, winter is a time of great festive all over the world, so people are throwing parties to their friends and relatives. But it turns out that some people who are invited to the parties are getting drugged. But how they are being drugged is a very big question. "

Frank listened with great interest. As I finished, he looked at me with an exited gleam in his eyes. But then, his glee faded. " Will dad allow us to.... " He didn't even finish his sentence when dad strolled into the room, smiling. I nudged Frank's shoulders before grinning " Yes he knows, and he already allowed us to go to Los Angeles. " He waved two flight tickets to us.

"Dad! Thank you so much! " He grinned while Dad just winked and looked around the room. " Well, what are you waiting for? Pack up your bags! "

Nancy Drew And Hardy Boys: Destination CaliforniaWhere stories live. Discover now