The Dead Boy's Room.

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George's POV:-

The ball stopped. It was already midnight. Every eye turned towards the man. He took a deep breath and said, " Dead... A boy and a man dead! "

Silence dawned upon everyone. Then, a murmur fell in the whole room like a swarm of bees. I looked at Nancy, only to find her seat empty. Where did she go now? I looked at Frank and Joe. They were gone, too!

Just then, Bess pointed towards the backstage where the man was standing. Nancy, Frank and Joe were talking with him. We hurriedly went towards them, to find ourselves in the midst of a questioning.

Nancy: " Who is this boy and the man? Are they related in any way? "
Man: " I.... I don't know their name miss, but they had come with Ms. Rose for the trekking, although we don't have any resources to believe they're related. "
Joe: " Where were they found? "
Man: " The boy was found dead on his bed in his room. Uh..... I didn't notice the room number,sir, and the man was found dead in the garden. "
Frank: " What was their condition when you found them? "
Man: " The same for both. Blood dripping from their forehead and from a gash in their stomach. "
Nancy: " Have the police been called?"
Man: " No, not yet. Mr. Maxwell is err....not quite keen on believing on the police. Although, we're suggesting for them to be called before it's morning. "
Nancy: " Good. Thank you, sir. We shall take our leave. "

The man nodded and turned around to leave. Suddenly, as if a light bulb went off in his head, he turned towards us and looked like a deer caught in headlights. " Wait a minute..... Who are you? And why did you ask all those stuff-"

" James man, do i need to repeat myself? Come on fast, we need to calm the head chef down. You know how he gets when work is being done late. " Another man, probably in his late thirties, patted him on the back and dragged him away.

" Phew! That was close. " Joe muttered under his breathe as we walked out of the room.

" What are WE going to do? " Bess huffed, her face set in a scowl. Poor Bess. Her plan to flirt with 'handsome fellas' as she likes to call them, just got flushed away. I chuckled to myself as we navigated our way through the crowd.

It was raining outside, heavily might I add. The rain brings back so many memories of me and Burt. Gosh! I miss him so much.

" I guess we couldn't investigate the garden right now. " Nancy's voice brought me out of my reverie.

Frank and Joe shook their heads at her remark. " No, you three go to the boy's room and we two would investigate the garden. We need to check every possible details as soon as we can, without further delay, before the bodies are taken away. "

Well, it kinda made sense.

We parted, and headed towards room no. 346 where the mishap had taken place. The door stood ajar. We pushed it open quietly and went inside. " OHMYGOSH! " Bess screamed as soon as we went inside and noticed the body.

I knew Bess. She won't be able to handle this sight. " Bess, you better not stay here. You go and check what's happening in the hotel. And if there's something important, or suspicious, inform us immediately, okay? " Bess nodded to Nancy's instruction and went out.

The boy was sitting on his chair at the table, which was directly across the door. His lifeless eyes stared eight back at us as we stepped further inside the room. Nancy went to investigate the table, while I investigated the rest of the room in search of anything suspicious.

I searched the drawers, there was nothing. I searched the wardrobe, there was nothing. I decided to search under his pillows, and lo and behold! There was an unexpected discovery, which so happened to be a picture of Ms. Rose and some secret love letters written to her.

Do I smell young love?

Hark who's speaking! As if you don't have a boyfriend yourself. My oh-so-wonderful conscious mind mocked me.

Shut up brain, not the time!

The name 'Advik' was written at the bottom of every letter. So his name must be Advik.

There was nothing else, but some papers in his suitcase, of his work. He was a businessman from India. Suddenly, Nancy called out " George, come here once. " I rushed to see what she was upto.

" Did you find anything? " I asked as I approached her. She nodded and said, " Take a look. What do you see? " She pointed towards a drawer which was half open. My eyes bulged out of it's socket as I saw what was in there.

A freaking dagger covered in blood!

Did he commit suicide? I voiced out my opinion to Nance, but she just shook her head, deep in thought. She was staring at his stomach where there was a large hole. " And look at this" She said finally, pointing at his forehead, " Blood is dripping out from the side of his forehead.... So it may be that he hit his head with something hard, or was hit. "

She noticed my confused expression as she explained " Look at that wound in his stomach. If someone was to commit suicide, he wouldn't plunge a dagger in his stomach. Instead, he would aim for the heart. "

" But whats wrong with the stomach?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

" You don't know anything about suicides, do you? " Nancy asked with a sad smile directed towards me, before speaking again. " When you stab a major artery or vein or an important organ in your stomach, the blood tranfer begins to slow down. The toxins released by your pancreas slowly travels towards the heart and constricts it before slowing it's pumping down and ultimately killing the person. It's a very painful death. That is why, if someone commits suicide, they aim for the heart, not stomach."

(A/N:- Please do not come for me after reading this. I saw this information on google, and am not extremely sure if it's correct or not. If it isn't, please let me know. Thank you, you may continue reading. )

Just then, my eyes fell on a diary kept in one of the open drawers of the table. " What's this? " I asked, picking it up. Nancy bent down over my shoulder and we read what was written inside it. " Are these clues? " I asked, dumbfounded. Nancy sighed. " Perhaps, lets take it. It may prove to be useful. "

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