The Lead In The Reception.

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I was horrified to see the boy's dead body. After all, my heart was soft and I could not stand these. So, I agreed to Nance and Georgie and headed downstairs to check what was going on. I first went to the party room and was bewildered to see that the party was still continuing except the ball. " Are they crazy or what? How could they continue to party around when there's been a murder? " I wondered. I searched the party room for Mr. Maxwell and Ms. Rose, but they were nowhere to be found.

I went out of the party room and found Ms. Rose sitting on a sofa in the reception. She was howling and crying. " NO, OH NO! HOW CAN ADVIK BE DEAD? NOOOOOOO! " Mr. Maxwell was pacing in the room, extremely upset at the sudden mishap. I went to comfort  Ms. Rose. " Umm.. Ms. Rose? " She looked up at me and I could see the pain in her eyes. Her eyes had become red with continuous crying. " Please don't be so upset, Ms. Rose.  Everything would be alright. " She started crying again, " NO NO NOOO.... NOTHING WOULD BE RIGHT! HE'S DEAD! ADVIK'S DEAD!! I CAN'T BELEIVE IT! SUCH A SWEET AND INNOCENT BOY..... " I was starting to feel that Ms. Rose had enormous love and care for that boy Advik.

I tried to soothe her again, but nothing that I tried helped her. Then, as I was going to get up, Mr. Maxwell asked, " Hello, Ms. Marvin. I hope Ms. Drew, your friend is a detective? " I nodded. He continued, " Oh, great! Please do tell her to investigate this case. The police have been called, but I don't have much faith in them, neither does my niece have. I don't believe how much information they would get from postmortem, but I have a great faith in detectives. But.....I can't find those two young detectives whom I called.... If they could have.... " He said the last two sentences lowering his voice, but there was no way he could outwit me. " Umm.. Mr Maxwell? Are you talking about Frank and Joe Hardy? " He looked up at me in surprise, then said. " Why, yes! But how do you know? " I grinned. " They're our friends. And don't worry, sir. We are already investigating the case. But please continue your work with the police. Their information can be way too helpful. "

After realizing there was nothing else for me to do, I went back upstairs in our room, where we were to meet.. All of us- Nance, George, Frank, Joe and of course, me myself. I found them already sitting there, with excited faces. So they had found something... Great!

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