The Leads And The Clues

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George and I were first to enter our room. It was decided that we all will meet in our room after the investigation session. " I'm so very hungry! " George exclaimed. That was true. We all were hungry since we ate nothing in the party. Just then, the Hardy Boys entered our room. " Go any leads? " They asked excitedly. We nodded our heads. " But first let Bess come. " I said. After a few minutes, there was aanother knock on the door and we opened it to see Bess.

After we all packed in our rooms, and George ordered chickens, boiled potatoes and salads and some drinks for all of us, we settled down. " Sho, forst let beigun wuth Bussp. " George said, filling her mouth with a whole large potato and making us laugh. " Well, I do have some interesting things to tell you." Bess said " First and foremost, the police are on their way to take the body to postmortem and to investigate the body. I met with Mr. Maxwell and Ms. Rose in the reception. My God! You should have seen Ms. Rose's face. Her eyes were red with crying and she was howling and crying so much...... I guess she loved Advik, for she was extremely disheartened at his death. Besides, Mr. Maxwell told me to tell you Nancy to continue investigating this case.. And you two, too Frank and Joe, since he does not have much faith in policemen. "

" What about the party? " I asked. Bess shook her head. " It's still continuing. How the hell could they do so, when there's been a murder?" I looked at Frank and Joe. " Any leads? " They exchanged grins with each other and nodded. " Yup. And that's gonna help very much. " Joe said. " We found a large wound in Mr Whatsoever's stomach and blood was dripping from his head. " He stopped and looked at us. So our murderer was the same person, I thought. Joe continued, " Moreover, we found a dagger in the bushes covered in blood and some Cigaratte butts. Besides, Franky.... Sorry.....Frank found strands of hair in his left hand. So that meant three things-- 1) It is a murder...2)Our murderer is a smoker.... 3) Our murderer is missing some hairs if he doesn't wears a wig. "

Well, they really had found interesting evidence. " Was there something else that you missed....or I mean.... Did you search the whole garden? Thoroughly? " Bess asked, much to Frank's anger. " Umm... Sorry... I didn't mean to.... Umm... Anger you... " Bess apologized, and there was a single tear on her rosy cheeks. Frank went towards her and comforted her. " Sorry, I didn't mean to disappoint you. " He said. Bess smiled at him. " It's alright. I just..... " George broke through her sentence. " Guys, could you please stop this apology session? " Joe nodded, " What about your investigation, Nancy? "

Well, now it was my turn to tell. I gazed at the diary which I kept on the table beside me and answered. " Our murderer is the same. Advik was lying on his chair, a large wound in his stomach and blood dripping from his forehead. We found a dagger as well in a drawer half open. Besides, we found this.. " I said, handing the diary to the Hardy Boys. " This is a very big evidence. There are some clues written in here. Or perhaps, they are clues. I don't know what we should do with these, but all I know for now is that we need to solve these as soon as possible. " Bess looked at it in awe before asking, " So, do we have some suspects yet? "

No one responded at her question... No one, except me. " I do have one. " All the others looked expectantly at me. " Who? " George asked. " Mr. Maxwell. Because he seemed to be suspicious when he invited us to the party. When Ms. Rose introduced me to him, telling that I was a detective, he muttered under his breath 'So she's a detective, too.' So... " There was silence for sometime. Then, Frank said, " But he can't be. If he would have been the culprit, he wouldn't have invited us to the party to investigate even after knowing that we are detectives. " As soon as he finished, Bess said, " But he may act as if he is good, innocent. But in reality, he might not be. " I kept silent for sometime, before replying, " I don't know, I'm not sure. For all we know, he might be. "

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