Two Steps Ahead!

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While Nancy was explaining to everyone about the last night's incidents with her and Ned, I was reading the story books about Indian literature and culture which I had bought from the mall yesterday. There, I found a page written 'The Beliefs & Faiths of Indian Tradition. ' " Well, that's interesting. " I thought and read the page with great concentration. On reaching a paragraph, I was stunned and dumbfounded. There, it was written that Indians, especially Bengalis believe that they have six enemies namely Lust, Anger, Greed, Illusion, Arrogance and Jealousy. " They believe that these six enemies of human can lead someone to his death and destroy any being. "

Oh my God! I squeled in excitement after reading this paragraph. " What's wrong, Bess? " Nancy asked looking sterned. I handed her the book. She read the page, her eyes widened, her lips curved for a smile and excitement shone in her eyes. Then, all of a sudden, she closed me in a tight embrace saying, " Oh Bess! How can I even thank you for this? " I noticed that all the other faces in the room had become dumb. I laughed and passed the book to them. As soon as everyone finished reading it, some looked astounded, others excited. " So? " Our boyfriends asked accompanied by George, except Ned. " Don't you understand, guys? One of our clues is solved! " Ned said, excitedly. " What? How? " Burt asked. Nancy rushed to get the diary.

" So this clue, 2+3= x (Enmity Leads to Destruction) is related to this paragraph. Remember, Advik was an Indian. Hence, if we take those enemies into consideration, 2 means anger, 3 means greed and x means death, definitely. So someone's anger and greed had caused Advik's death. But why? " Nancy concluded. Everyone was silent for sometime, then, Ned suddenly shouted, " I know, I know why! Nan, there was another clue written 'beware you have extremely curious behaviour' , wasn't it? Well, it fits then. Advik had seen or heard or came to know something about someone's greed which caused that person's anger resulting in Advik's death! "

So that was it! Two clues already solved! Woo hoo! But there were three clues more to solve. But I didn't care about it, not for now. After all, we were two steps ahead!

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